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Test Taking Tips

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Test Taking Tips

Photo by Benjamin Chun

Play with the Format

Using the format to your advantage
Photo by albertogp123

Play with the Format

  • "Have students create the answer responses to a question stem, thinking carefully about "wrong" answers and finding the right language to construct the "correct" response."
  • "Have students construct the question based on the answer responses."
  • "Have students answer one multiple-choice, standardized test type of question to see if they grasped an idea covered in class."
  • "Give the class a mixed up practice test, with the questions scrambled and in no apparent order of difficulty. Have teams of students re-order the questions, moving from easiest to hardest, being prepared to explain and defend why a certain question was easy or difficult."
  • "Have students debate the merits of the wording of a particular question to find flaws, bias or shortcomings and then rewrite the question with more careful wording."
  • http://www.edutopia.org/blog/play-with-standardized-test-prep-matt-levinson

Cooking Analogy

How is studying like cooking?
Photo by Stéfan

Cooking Analogy

  • Taking a test is like baking a cake, there are steps that need to take place before you get the final product, or answer
  • This can be the case for playing a new video game or building a model--there are steps in the process
  • Have students make a list of what steps need to happen before they get the final cake or move to the next level in a video game or put the finishing touch a model airplane
  • Remember, if you miss a step, the cake will not be good or you won't get to the next level or the model will fall apart
  • Now, have students make a list of ALL of the steps it takes to study for math or ELA or any other subject
  • http://www.edutopia.org/blog/brain-compatible-study-strategies-lori-desaute...

Reflect on your process

  • After your next assessment, have your students ask themselves:
  • Did I make a careless mistake?
  • Did I forget a "step"?
  • Am I forgetting how to solve a problem (or concept)?
  • What do I need to come up with the right answer?
  • Who can help me?
  • What are my resources (teacher, friend, someone at home, book, online resources)?
  • What will you do differently next time?

Gears to Great Grades

Process for thinking through test questions

All resources from www.edutopia.org