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Text-Dependent Analysis

Published on Mar 19, 2016

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Text-Dependent Analysis

Photo by LendingMemo

John Collins Type One:
In five lines, write the things you know or questions you have about TDA.

Photo by minnepixel

Read and text-render.

Paragraph about TDA.
Photo by Klardrommar

Find a partner OUTSIDE of your department.

Discuss. Select a three word phrase that stood out.
Go around and share out phrases 3 words or less.
Photo by NicolaScott

Webb's DOK

How to we get them ready for TDA questions?
"I do." Teacher modeling.
"We do." Guided Practice.
"You do." On own.

Do this through CLOSE Reading!


Close reading of complex text.

What DOK?

Read, pair/share, and text-render the chart.
Photo by theilr

Keystone and PSSA Samplers
What DOK?
Discuss in departments. Write your answer and thinking on the Post-It.

Photo by 3oheme

DOK reveal...

Photo by Leshaines123

After:  Pick an example, write your own TDA, AND post it on Padlet.

We are all here to collaborate and support!!!

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