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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Caroline Culbertson
3rd period

Thalidomide was a drug
that pregnant women took,
In the 1960's to help
With morning sickness.

The drug was developed
By Chemie Gruenthal

Thalidomide was banned
In most countries.
Europe, Australia, Japan
America, and Africa
Did not banned it.

Some babies were born with out arms or legs.
Or with very small arms and legs.

Babies were sometimes
Born deaf.

40% of babies died
Before their first

Thalidomide changes the body immune response and
Reduces the ability of the body to grow new blood vessels

Compound lead to the
Production of highly toxic from oxygen called
Reactive Oxygen Species

(ROS) Which is in Thalidomide caused front & hind deformities and DNA damage.