Poster Conference Summary: 7 years, 575 participants, 103 jurors, received a Department Initiative Grant, Supported by the Dean, Provost, VP, President
Hooded 2 new doctoral students after getting them from start to Dissertation
Built the CSD program up to 100+ graduates
Connected all of the Division of Student Affairs GA positions to the CSD program
Novakovic, A. & Ross, D. (in press). College Student for a Day: A transition program for students with disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability.
Novakovic, A. & Gnilka, P. (in press). Dispositional affect and perceptions of career barriers: The moderating role of gender and coping efficacy for career barriers. Career Development Quarterly.
Presented at AERA and completed subsequent publication with LSI colleagues: Ockerman, M.S., Patrikakou, E., & Hollenbeck, A.F. (In press). Response to Intervention (RTI) and the Preparation of School Counselors: Opportunities for Leadership. The Journal for Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Received the DePaul University Quality of Instruction Council Instructional Grant. Teaching: Preparation, partnerships and personalism: Creating mission-driven connections through study abroad experiences
Service: Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, Board of Directors
Presented with Dr. Ockerman at the ALGBTIC conference in New Orleans: Advocating for School Transformation: Creating Agents of Change for Safer Schools
Became a Certified Sexual Health Education instructor through CPS
Became a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association and is in the process of receiving accreditation as a Certified Educational Planner.
Covered two counseling maternity leaves and continued to grow her college consulting practice
Presented “Changing Campus Culture through the Use of a Common Reading Experience” Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.
Presented “Lessons Learned about Orientation, Transition, and Retention from the Pillars of the Profession”. Annual Conference of the National Orientation Directors Association.
Presented “Sophomores and Service” Annual Students in Transition Conference, National Resource Center on the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.