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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Persian Wars

Maddie Berezowitz

Cyrus the Great

  • 559 B.C.-530 B.C.
  • Cyrus was a leader who united the Persians.
  • Under his rule, Persia became a strong empire.

Darius (521 B.C.)

  • Darius reorganized the government. 
  • He divided the empire into 20 provinces called satrapies.
  • Each satrapie was ruled by a satrap.
  • He made the government pay soldiers.

Zoroastrianism (660 B.C.)

  • This was the official religon of Persia.
  • Zoraster founded this religon.
  • They believed in one god.
  • They believed this power created everything.

Battle of Marathon (490 B.C.)

  • This battle occured on the plain of Marathon.
  • The Persian soldiers waited for the Athenians here.
  • From a hill above, the Athenians watched.
  • The chief commander got tired of waiting and got on the ships.
  • When the soldiers were aboarding the boat, Athens attacked.

Themistocles (480 B.C.)

  • He had a plan to attack the Persians ships.
  • His strategy was to cut off the food supply.
  • 7,000 soldiers waited for the Persians in a valley.
  • A traitor directed them and they attacked to the death.

Pheidippides (490 B.C.)

  • After the battle of Marathon, they sent him with a messege.
  • He ran 26 miles. That is why we have marathons.
  • When he arrived home, he said, "victory."
  • Moments after he died from exhaustion.

Xerxes (486 B.C)

  • Xerxes was Darius' son.
  • He set out for revenge against the Athenians
  • He suplied warships and supply vessels.

Thermopylae, Salamis, and Platea (480 B.C)

  • Thermopylae- valley in mountains where the greek soldiers waited.
  • Salamis- a strait where the Greeks faught the Persians
  • Platea- the Greeks crushed the Persians because the Greeks united

Alexander the great

  • He conquered the Persian lands.
  • He was the last Persian king.
  • (330 B.C.)