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The 1950s

Published on Mar 26, 2016

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The 1950s

Lexi Muraga, Manisha Acharya, & Hauwa Oyebanji

Historical Events

  • 1950: There was war in Korea. President Truman confirmed the hydrogen bomb programmed and there was introduction to credit card system in the market.
  • 1951: Twenty-second Amendment was formed. This limit president to two terms.
  • 1952: Dwight Eisenhower was elected as president.

Historical Events

  • 1953: Industries agree on guaranteed annual wage.
  • 1954: Vietnam War where Vietnam was divided. 1955: Warsaw Pact agreement was passed by congress.
  • 1956: There was nationalizes of Suez Crisis and control was taken by USA from France and British.

Historical Events

  • 1958: Discovered of NASA and Berlin Airlift start to begin. 1959: Two states (Alaska and Hawaii) joins USA.
  • 1960: More than half American families had their own homes by this year along with one television set. John F. Kennedy was elected as president.

Fashion History

  • 1950: Fashion house of Emilio Pucci was opened. 1951: A beauty competition Miss World was organized. Dresses without waistlines were introduced.
  • 1952:Givenchy showed his first collection in Paris. 1954: Coco Chanel reopened her Paris fashion salon after a long time.
  • 1957: Introduction of famous Sack Line a forerunner. 1958: Shorter skirts above the knee were dictated by Paris fashion.


  • In the early 1950s abstract expressionism were popular, however by the late 1950s color field painting became more focused on. Abstract art was championed for being emphatically American in spirit - monumental in scale, romantic in mood, and expressive of a rugged individual freedom.
  • Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and the late 1950s in the United States. Although Pop art encompasses a wide variety of work with very different attitudes and postures, much of it is somewhat emotionally removed.


  • Pop artists seemingly embraced the post-WWII manufacturing and media boom. Pop artists that shaped the pop art movement were Eduardo Paolozzi and Richard Hamilton in Britain, and Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns in the United States.
  • The majority of Pop artists began their careers in commercial art: Andy Warhol was a highly successful magazine illustrator and graphic designer; Ed Ruscha was also a graphic designer, and James Rosenquist started his career as a billboard painter.

More Events

  • 1950- first organ transplant, President Truman orders construction of hydrogen bomb. 1951- color TV was introduced,Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII.
  • 1952- car seat belts introduced, polio vaccine created. 1953- DNA discovered, Joseph Stalin dies.

More Events

  • 1954-Segregation ruled illegal in the united states, first atomic submarine launched, discovered cigarettes causes cancer. 1955- Disneyland open, Rosa parks refused to give up her seat, Warsaw pact signed.
  • 1956-TV remote control invented, Hungarian revolution. 1957- Dr Seuss published The cat In The Hat, Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age

More Events

  • 1958- NASA founded, Hula hoops become popular, American Bobby Fischer Becomes Youngest Chess Grandmaster, Boris Pasternak Refuses Nobel Prize.
  • 1959-The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway, Castro became dictator of cuba, International Treaty Makes Antarctica Scientific Preserve.


  • There was a huge cultural change that occurred due to the fact that improvements were being made within society post WWII. Culture was flourishing due to many factors including music.
  • With their being racial barriers that segregated blacks and whites, rock and roll helped bring people together.


  • Rock and Roll helped transform radio music. Disc Jockey’s used rock and roll to showcase bands. Alan Freed was an influential DJ in the 50s. He would play R&B on the radio but he describe to be “rock n roll.” Freed is known as being the “father of rock and roll” because of the way he promoted music on the radio. Showcasing African-American artists and arranging performances with a mix race of people in the audience.


  • When Rhythm & Blues and Country music came together it formed Rock and Roll. This genre of music was inspirational to young teens and was really known to be a type of rebellion for young people to free themselves. The main factor of Rock & Roll becoming successful is the radio that was listened to amongst young people. American teens would listen to both White country music and Black r&b music because both had a similar sound.


  • The early 1950s was post WWII. Once the war ended everything had began to change. There was a huge boom within the economy so more roads and suburban homes were made. Causing an increase of new households and families having children. The increase in children being born was known as “baby boomers.” Having more than 77 million baby boomers once reached in the mid-1960s.


  • Black-American’s stood up against the wrongdoings of inequality that they faced in the United States. In the early 1950s the Brown Vs. Board of Education was declared to integrate white and black students so that they are able to have equal education.







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