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The 5 Pillars of Islam

Published on Mar 12, 2021

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The 5 Pillars of Islam

By Alexa Z


profession of faith
Photo by PalFest


  • "I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that muhammad is the messenger of God."
  • The first part of Shahada-"No God but God"-pledges monotheism.
  • The second part affirms that Muhammad was the Messenger of God.
  • Shahada instructs people to believe in god and to submit to him.
  • In order to enter islam, you must recite shahada twice with (muslim) witnesses.
Photo by James Lee


5 daily prayers
Photo by Cam_Buff


  • Prayer happens at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, and after nightfall.
  • muezzins chant the call to prayer from towers of mosques.
  • ritual washing with fresh water is required before prayer
  • the inam starts prayer with "allahu akbar". people recite from the qu'ran. and face the quibla-towards mecca.


Photo by d'zoro


  • zakat means purification.
  • muslims give 2.5 percent of their savings to charities if they can.
  • zakat is used as a fund to help solve financial issues-shelter, etc


fasting during ramadan
Photo by ictQATAR


  • fasting lasts from daybreak to sunset
  • pregnant, sick, and elderly people don't participate in ramadan. young children too
  • ramadan is set on the lunar calender, so it moves over time.
  • the fast is usually broken with dates.
  • at the end of ramadan, people celebrate 'eid al-fitr'


pilgrimage to mecca once during lifetime
Photo by transposition


  • in the twelfth month of the lunar year
  • men wear plain white cloth and shave their heads, women wear modest clothing and trim their hair
  • they circle the ka'bah 7 times counterclockwise and run between two hills, drinking from the zamzam spring
  • after, They throw stones at pillars, have a 4-day feast and sacrifice sheep/goats.