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The 7 Kings of Rome

Published on Aug 07, 2016

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The 7 Kings of Rome

By: Tyshawn Leslie

Romulus & Remus

Photo by Perrimoon

5 Facts about Romulus & Remus

  • Founders of Rome
  • killed Amulius, and restored Numitor to the throne.
  • Romulus killed Remus
  • establish a city of their own
  • she-wolf suckled and tended them
Photo by NH53

NUma Pompilius

(715-673 BC )

5 Facts about Numa Pompilius

  • The legendary second king of Rome.
  • Numa was not a warrior king, but a religious, cultural figure.
  • Numa Pompilius did not want to become king of Rome.
  • He was of Sabine origin.
  • Rome's most important religious and political institutions are attributed to him.
Photo by profzucker

Tullius Houstilius

(673-641 BC)

5 Facts about Tullius Hostilius

  • He succeeded Numa Pompilius and was succeeded by Ancus Marcius.
  • Tullus was known as a warlike king.
  • Tullus Hostilius was the grandson of Hostus Hostilius.
  • Tullius fought with Romulus and died during the Sabine invasion of Rome.
  • He defeated the Albans and destroyed Alba Longa

Ancus Marcius

(641-616 BC )

5 Facts about Ancus Marcius

  • He was the son of Marcius.
  • Defeated the old Latins
  • Build the first Aqueduct
  • Ancus Marcius was the legendary fourth king of Rome.
  • Ancus Marcius founded the city of Ostia

Tarqunius Pricus

(616-579 BC )

5 Facts about Tarquinius Priscus

  • legendary fifth king of Rome from 616 to 579 BC.
  • Defeated the Sabines
  • Started the Temple if Jupiter Capitolinus.
  • Doubled the size of the cavalry
  • He won the job of being King due to hi honest rep
Photo by diffendale

Servius Tullius

( 579-535 BC )

5 Facts about servius Tullius

  • Created the Census
  • Added the quirinal, Viminal and Esquiline hills to rome
  • Established a citizens tribe
  • The First census numbered 80,000
  • Married to Tanaquils

Tarquinius Superbus

(535-509 Bc )

5 Fact about Tarquinius Superbus

  • Was the last King of Rome
  • Was Married to Tullia
  • Made Rome the Head of the Head of the Latin League
  • Built the Cloaca Maxima
  • Finished the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus