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The 9/11 attacks

Published on Nov 27, 2015

The tragic 9/11 attacks By Lilianna M. and Alyssa L.


The 9/11 attacks

By: Lili and Alyssa

Mohammed Atta

  • Atta boards American Airlines Flight 11
  • While his fellow hijackers board too.
  • Flight 11 was heading to Boston.

Flight 11

  • Flight 11 is hijacked when the hijackers rise from seats 2A and 2B.
  • And stab two female flight attendants.
  • Mohammed Atta tried to give a message to all the passengers.
  • But accidentally sent the message to the ARTCC's .
  • Mohammed Atta announced, "Please nobody move stay calm."

The Crash

  •  Atta intentionally crashed American Airlines into the facade of the Tower.
  • After the crash, the northern tower collapsed 102 minuets later.  
  • After the impact at 10:28 a.m.
  • Causing the twin towers to fall.

The 9/11

  • September 11 Attacks