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Slide Notes

That lion picture is actually the logo for Mac OS X Lion, I just figured that I'd use it since it works well on this slide.
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The African Savanna Preservation Foundation

Published on Nov 22, 2015

DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTIONAL organization for a SCHOOL project. But feel welcome to support the African Savannah by donating to a pre-existing organization OR making your own using inspiration from this "deck". P.S. I recommend reading the notes on each slide as they give a little extra info/"behind the scenes" kinda thing. P.P.S When you're in the present mode, click the circle with a "CC" in it to view the sources of the pictures. Link to sources cited: http://bit.ly/1CAZbCX


The African Savanna Preservation Foundation

Help us, don't just be lion' around!
That lion picture is actually the logo for Mac OS X Lion, I just figured that I'd use it since it works well on this slide.
Photo by Stormsignal

Dangerous Events

Events which can harm the Savanna
Photo by monteregina

A heat wave is a period of exceptionally hot weather. They can cause hyperthermia in lions, which can cause death. Heat Waves can be caused by global warming combined with pollution.


Before the heat wave...

I don't know how or why the sand is orange in this picture, but it does at least look cool.

After the heat wave...

This picture was actually taken somewhere in the Mojave desert (I think), so it doesn't really fit this deck; but it gets the message across.

Competition is usually caused by the introduction of invasive species. It makes resources like water, food, space, etc. more scarce and hard to come by. It specifically affects lions by having less prey for them to eat.

Effects of Competition...

  • New organism(s) compete for resources with the native organism(s)
  • This makes the resources more scarce and harder to come by
  • Some organisms may die due to lack of resources
  • Resources may be irreparably damaged due to high demand
  • A new niche may be created
This adorable kitty is called the Serval. Aren't they just adorable? He's so happy! ☻

Symbiotic Relationships

Beneficial relationships between organisms
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Mutualistic relationships between lions and hyenas...

  • Killing elderly, weak, injured, etc. animals
  • Lion benefits from food
  • Hyena's population benefits from not having the "bad" animal which
  • (continued) can spread it's bad traits via sexual reproduction
  • Scavengers like vultures also benefit from food that was left over
I decided to use a picture of a hyena for this because this was the most common animal that ions had mutualistic relationships with, the second most common was foxes.
Photo by mape_s

Commensalistic relationships of lions...

  • Feces of lions is fertilizer for plants
  • Lions help with evolution by picking off the less fit animals
  • Lions kill animals which may be eaten by scavengers like vultures
For this slide I felt like putting a picture of an impala, but the image search on this site was being difficult and turning up pictures of Chevy Impalas instead of the animal, so I had to do it manually.
Photo by mosilager

Major parasites of lions...

  • Trematodes have parasitic relationships with lions. Parasitism is a form of symbiosis where one organism (the lion in this case) is harmed, and the other benefits (the trematode).
I didn't use a picture of a parasite for this one because there weren't any ones that fit the dramatic mood that I wanted it to have. So instead I wanted a picture of an antelope, but for some reason ONLY pictures of Antelope Canyon showed up. But it's pretty none the less. I got the information on this slide from this wonderful document which gives a lot of useful data about parasites that prey on lions and gives very nice illustrations: http://www.cbs.umn.edu/sites/default/files/public/downloads/Parasites_and_p...


features that are unique...
Photo by SamHawleywood

The most Important adaptation of Lions...

  • Rectractable claws for grabbing and holding prey
  • Lions would surely die without their unique claws
That's no moon... Oh wait, it is.


how the ecosystem would recover...
Photo by mendhak

The savanna would go through secondary succession (an ecosystem "restarting" without the creation of new soil) in the event of a heat wave.

Photo by Josh LeClair

The most dangerous threat...

is you...
Photo by MagnusL3D

Humans would come into the savanna for diamond mining and space to put those mines; Lions and the rest of the ecosystem would essentially be replaced with a mining-centered town that would hurt the environment.

I'm NOT talking about Minecraft here, I mean REAL, non-pixelated diamond mines that are common in Africa.
Photo by jbdodane

But there is a way to stop them...

you just have to fight fire with fire...
Photo by fortherock

Wildlife preserves use the existing land that the ecosystem is on and physically protect it, which doesn't allow new structures like diamond mines to be built near or on the ecosystem.

Photo by *tamara*

why & how you should help...

Click to add more text here
awwww... I can't resist baby elephants, they're sooooooo cute! :D I just want to cuddle that one, although he probably weighs a couple hundred pounds, but I don't care!
Photo by Derek Keats

What we will do...

  • Push for laws that protect the ecosystem and animals in it from diamond mining
  • Protect animals from impending natural disasters/dangerous weather/etc.
  • Spread awareness of the African Savanna and it's inhabitants
I have absolutely no idea what those two silly giraffes are doing...
Photo by Pim Stouten

How you can help us...

  • Spread awareness of us via Social Media with #SavetheAfricanSavanna
  • Donate
  • Help us on our "rescue" trips
  • Petition for laws that protect the African Savanna and it's inhabitants
  • Back us on Kickstarter
  • Help us set up/help wildlife preserves that protect the savanna
As this is a FICTIONAL organization, the "#SavetheAfricanSavanna" hashtag is not related to "The African Savanna Preservation Foundation", but feel free to use it.

Reasons Why YOU should donate...

  • Once all the animals here die they will NOT come back
  • This is one of the most unique ecosystems on our planet Earth
  • This is where a lot of animals in zoos come from, especially lions
  • Donations are tax deductible
  • We'll give you a free ASPF blanket, coffee mug, & certificate of donation
This is a Mountain Lion, so it technically isn't a lion, but whatever.
Photo by jjjj56cp

how to donate...

  • Go to www.aspf.org , and click on the donate tab
  • Enter your credit card, Bitcoin, or PayPal info (sorry, we don't accept cash/checks)
  • Click done!
  • Congratulations!
I know that I am *kinda* over-stressing the fact that this is not a real organization, but please DON'T go to www.aspf.org UNLESS you want to buy the domain!