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The Andes

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by nestor galina

The Andes were formed by the Nazca and Antartic tectonic plates which have been subducting under the South American plate.
The formation of the mountain is still changing today due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the area.

Photo by Martintoy

The andes are located in the west of South America.
Mostly in Peru.

The climate of the andes can vary when crossing to different areas.
For example, in Ecuador there are tropical rain forests and just a few miles away, in Cotopaxie, there is a frosted peek.
In Columbia it rains pretty often where as in Ecuador it is usually pretty dry.

Living in the andes can be very hazardous.
Over the years there have been some really bad earthquakes and volcanoes that have damaged the soil and crops, this can make an area unliveable or be a danger to people.

Photo by Julie Edgley

The andes land is used for a number of things like mining, tourism, hydroelectric power and farming.
The main gold mine is located near the north and is called the yanacocha gold mine.
Natural tourist attractions are glaciers, mountain peaks, volcanoes and lakes.
The deep valleys and rivers of the andes make it a good place for producing hydroelectric power


  • They are the longest stretch of mountains in the world
  • They stretch through 7 countries
  • The Andes formed about 65-138 million years ago
  • They andes were home to the incan empire
  • The highest peak of the andes is almost 7000m high
Photo by betta design