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The Aztec and the Incan Empires

Published on Jan 16, 2016

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The Aztec and the Incan Empires

by Jennifer PHam, period 5, 2/1/16 
Photo by angela7dreams

Aztec/Inca Class structures:

  • The Aztec class structure included nobles, commoners, serfs, or slaves.
  • The Inca class structure included the commoners and the nobles.

Aztec/Inca family life

  • The Aztec family would have a section of land that would contain their home. Men would usually be a warrior or any other job. Women would have the job of taking care of the household and the land could be taken care of both of them.
•Peasant men had jobs as being farmers. Women had to cook, make clothes for the family, and to take care of their kids. Usually, girls would start developing their own family when they were 12 years old.

Warfare of the aztecs

  • Men were coached to become warriors at young ages and also had to learn to use weapons such as clubs, bows, spears, darts, swords, and javelins.
  • Jaguar Warriors wore jaguar hides and their helmets had fangs.
Eagle warriors wore outfits with feathers and claws. They wore helmets that included a beak.

religious beliefs of the Aztecs

  • The Aztecs believed in gods such as Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, and Chicomecoatl.
  • Their god Huitzilopochtli was the god of war, sacrifice, and of the sun. He was the most significant and frightening god of all their gods.
The god of rain and water was Tlaloc. Quetzalcoatl was known as the god of life and wind. Tezcatlipoca was a god that related to many things.
Chicomecoatl was the goddess of agriculture, nourishment, and corn.

Religious beliefs of the incas

  • The Incas believed that Pachacamac caused the happening of earthquakes. Inti was most significant as being god of the sun.
  • The Incas also believed that they were "Children of the Sun" since they gave offerings to help the sun survive.
•Mama Quilla was the goddess of the Moon, marriage, and protected women.
•Viracocha was believed to construct the earth, the various gods and goddesses, and mortals.
•Supay was a god who controlled death and the afterlife that was called the Uca Pacha.
Resources: (MEMT, p. 462). http://www.ducksters.com/history/inca/mythology_and_religion.php


  • The Aztecs had slaves as a form of paying tribute. Slaves could develop a family but no one was born with this status. They could also be prisoners from war who weren't used as sacrifices to the gods.
•However, the Incas did not have slaves. Since nobody payed taxes, everyone was required to service the government officials physically.

The rise and collapse of the Aztec empire

  • The Aztec empire began when they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus tree and ripped up a snake by using its beak being told by Quetzalcoatl. The Aztecs built a city called Tenochtitlan.
  • The Aztec empire by a Spanish explorer named Hernando Cortes who charged the Aztecs before Montezuma could plan a surprise attack.
  • .
Cortes kidnapped the Aztecs' emperor in order to have them defenseless. Aztecs tried to fight back but were killed including their emperor.
3.Then, smallpox spread throughout Tenochtitlan. This made the Aztecs to become weaker so they weren't able to go against Cortes.
4.In June of 1521, Tenochtitlan destroyed by the Spanish.
Resources: (MEMT, p.473-474).
Photo by Ted Van Pelt

Religious practices of the Aztecs and incas

  • The Aztecs sacrificed food, animals, and humans to the gods.
  • However, the Incas sacrificed food and animals, but humans were used only for times of hardships otherwise for unique events.

The rise and collapse of the inca empire

  • The Inca Empire arrived in what is known today as south-eastern Peru in 12th century A.D. Based on some legends, they were created by the Sun God, Inti, who had his son Manco Capac in between three caves in the village of Paccan Tampu. Later when he was finished murdering his brothers, he brought his sisters and along with his followers did they travel through the wilderness than to end up in a land near Cuzco in 1200 circa.
  • The Inca was conquered by Pizarro when he met Atahualpa. Pizarro told Atahualpa to stop believing in his gods. Since Atahualpa refused to, Pizarro charged and took him away from the battlefield. Atahualpa promised to pay him gold and silver.Although Atahualpa kept his promise, Pizarro didn't keep his word.
  • The emperor himself was blamed for too many crimes that led him to being executed.
finished murdering his brothers, he brought his sisters and his followers so they traveled through the wilderness than to end up in a land near Cuzco in 1200 circa.
3.The emperor himself was blamed for too many crimes that led him to being executed.
(MEMT, p. 477). history.com

Warfare in the incan empire

  • Men were coached and they were provided with much food. They wore toasty clothes and their outfits included many colors.
  • They used wooden clubs, spears, bows, rope that contained ,three rocks at the .
end, but their most powerful weapon in battle was of their faith that their gods supported them.

ISTE standards:

  • 6D. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
  • I used my current knowledge on the Aztecs and the Incas also including a new understanding of using Haiku Deck in order to complete this assignment.