Next, was government officials, priests, and military leaders. The ruler was supported by these people. These people took control of tributes and new buildings.
Then there was commoners, the highest ranked commoners was a pochtecha, pochtecas could be spies. These people were kinda middle class, but a little more up in rank...
Woman had a higher status than men, the father was the master of the house but woman had their own rights. Married women could own and sell goods. The men had to build the house and the women cooked food. Aztec women made beautiful clothes...
Slaves, they did the dirty work. They were used for rituals and for cleaning things. They were treated badly, so badly that it wasn't funny. Not cool...
In the end, Cortes came and attacked the Aztecs which ended up in a war. The spaniards killed tons of Aztecs and enslaved the remaining Aztecs. They also got diseased...(thanks nick :))