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The Bear Christmas

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Photo by jpwbee

'Twas the night before Christmas,
When all through the cave,
Not a bear was stirring not even a mouse.

The fish stockings were hung by the entrance with care,
In prayer that Saint Nick would be there.

The bears were snug in their bear beds,
With dreams of berries and fish in their heads.

Mama bear in her fine silk cloths and I with my milk dripping down my chin. For we will sit down and have a long winters sleep in a nice big inn.

When on the top of the cave came such a clatter which made all of the mice run and clatter to see what was the matter.

Away to their windows they went in a flash they opened their windows and threw up the pillows to watch that sight.

Photo by geezaweezer

The moon on the pure white new-fallen snow gave the glow of midday to the objects below.

Photo by VinothChandar

When, what to there sight there eyes had appeared to a quite large sleigh and eight angry alligators.

The mice squealed with delight to know that Saint Nick had come, but to there tragedy they woke up me so I went to see what it was. It was a young man driver, not slow but lively and quick.

Photo by cindy47452

I figured out that instance that it had to be sait nick. Faster than croks his alligators they ran as he called them by name:

Now Stinker!
Now Swamper!
Now Leafy and Sandy,
On Misty, on Barge,
On Vine and Stump!
Now run away! Ran away, ran away all!

In the back of his sleigh I saw with my eyes a big sack filled with toys. He was dressed in all crocodile skin from his hat to his boot, his clothes were pure green as can be. A sack of goodies he had in his hand. He had one gift for every girl and boy.

He went to my tree and put gifts under it and then put stuff in our fish stockings then hopped up the chimney and hopped in his sleigh and wiped his wipe and shouted:

"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"