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The beauty in life

Published on Dec 08, 2015

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The beauty in life

By Danielle and Sherryn :)

Even in the darkest night,
loneliest hour,
most unbearable situation

There will always be light
if you think about the
beauty in life.

Poem- Life's beauty

One finds beauty in many a place
Often where you least expect
A genuine smile, a tender face
Though with many an aspect

Love, the blossom so gentle and soft,
That spurs on all great deeds
The thing that keeps the world aloft
That blooms from caring seeds

Beauty lies in every household,
Among the family residing
With souls so pure and hearts of gold,
Loving, gracious and guiding

Like a pearl in an oyster's shell
Beauty lives in every heart
A pearl of good and honour well
To set the folds of evil apart

The one who is always by your side
To cherish, to support, to care
Let the beauty in friendship be a guide
For how to escape utter despair

The first drop of summer rain,
The dawn after the darkest hour
The tranquil moon which waxes and wanes,
The beauty of nature's power

Photo by spisharam

The heavenly sounds of the church choir
A community that's always faith-filled
And even more beautiful, as we aim higher
Is the beauty of faith and belief fulfilled

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Beauty is all around us
We only have to look
To see the world that surrounds us
To give back what we took