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What are the benefits of Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling? How can it help? See this presentation to find out.
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The Benefits Of Recycling

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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The Benefits Of Recycling:

How You Can Make the World a Better Place
What are the benefits of Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling? How can it help? See this presentation to find out.

"The 3 R's"

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle


Photo by Wojtek Mejor

What it is

  • When you reduce the amount
  • of waste that you normally
  • produce.


  • Less landfills and trash
  • More room for other things
  • Safer for animals and people
Photo by 4nitsirk


Photo by rosipaw

What it is

  • When you take something
  • already used and make
  • it into something new.


  • Less wasted items
  • Creative opportunities
  • Free, you don't have to buy it
Photo by andriuXphoto


Photo by i k o

What it is

  • When you take special items
  • (Paper, Plastic) to a center where
  • these recyclables can be remade
  • into something new.


  • Reduces costs of these items
  • Good for enviroment
  • Less trash in landfills
Photo by kino-eye

"The Fourth R"

What is it?
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Everyone has a responsibillity
  • to help the Earth by using the
  • 3 R's every day and whenever
  • you can.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

In Conclusion

Untitled Slide

  • Practice the 3 R's and
  • respect the Earth. The
  • longer we help the Earth,
  • the longer we live.