And also... The mean Giants: The bloodbottler, The Butcherboy, The Maidmasher, The Gizzardgulper, The Meatdripper, The Childchewer, The Manhugger, The bonecruncher
Setting: This book starts out in England, but when Sophie the orphan gets captured by the BFG, he takes her to Giant Country where all the Giants live. Time: The time in this story was not given but it was probably in this decade.
Problem When Sophie gets taken by the BFG to Giant country, Sophie learns about all of the things that the BFG does, like drink frobscottle, eat snozzcumbers, and much more. But when Sophie finds out that the other mean Giants are going out that night to eat all of the children in an all girls school, Sophie is determined to go back to England with the BFG and tell the queen of England so she can put a stop to it.
Events One night, Sophie was awake during the witching hour, when she saw the BFG through her window. The BFG takes her out and takes her to giant country. Sophie thought he was going to eat her, but he is a vegetarian. The two become friends, but when Sophie sees all of the mean Giants start charging in the other direction, she asks the BFG why they were running.
The BFG tells her that the mean Giants always charge off at sunset to eat children from around the world for dinner. Sophie was frightened at the thought, and she had to stop them. She tells the BFG that they have to stop them by telling the queen of England so she can put a stop to it. So, they start their way to England and when they tell the queen, she calls the Air Force and the army.
When the air force and the army came, the BFG had a plan to send nine big helicopters to capture the nine mean Giants and bring them back to England. But when they get to Giant country, all of the Giants are asleep. The BFG tries to tie their hands together, but he wakes the giant up. The giant was about to eat the BFG, but Sophie stabbed him in the foot with a pin that the queen gave her.
The giant drops the BFG and falls to the ground. The army starts to tie the giant's feet and hands together while the BFG and Sophie do the same thing to all of the other nine eight Giants. They bring the Giants back to England and the queen had them be put in a deep hole where they can not harm anyone. Now they eat disgusting snozzcumbers instead of children.