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The Bible

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Photo by Tanozzo


  • Abraham was a shepherd who lived in Haran while he was living there God started to call him.
  • His first call was to leave Haran and move to Cannaan.
  • That was a sacrifice because he had to leave all of his family behind exce-
  • pt his wife Sarah. Another convant that God made with him was that he would
  •  have many decendents. He also said that he would make his name a blessing.

God's covenants

  • When Abraham arrived in Canaan God told him "Fear not I am your shield"
  • He also said that Abraham would be king of Canaan and his descendants would
  • be rule too. Abraham did not understand how he could have many descendants
  • because his wife was old and could not bear children. But one year later Sa
  • rah had a baby boy, they named him Issac.
Photo by vanil.noir

Abraham's challange

  • God told Abraham to go to Moraih and sacrifice Issac on a mountain to him.
  • Abraham was really sad but did as he was told when he reached the mountain
  • Issac and him started up the mountain Issac didn't know that his father was
  • going to sacrifice him. Right when Abraham was going to kill Issac God sent
  • an angle to tell Abraham not to sacrifice his son but to sacrifice a ram th
Photo by T.Kiya


  • at had its horns stuck in a brush nearby
  • God showed use though that angle that we should not give human sacrifices 
Photo by Olduser

Issac's kids

  • Issac had two kids with Rebekah.
  • Their names where Esau and Jacob.
  • Jacob wanted to be the the Patriarch
  • But he couldn't be it because he wasn't the first born.

The trading game

  • One day Esau was so hungry that when he saw Jacob cooking stew he asked  
  • for some food .But Jacob saw this as his chance to get the birth right so 
  • he said "First give me your birth right". Esau was so hungry that he agreed
  • to the deal.
Photo by kulinarno

The tricking Game

  • When Issac was old he told Esau to come in his tent so he could give him hi
  • s blessing. When Rebekah had heard this she called to Jacob and gave him a 
  • furry cloth so that he might appear as Esau. Jacob went into Issac's tent 
  • and told him that he was Esau so since Issac was almost blind he gave him 
  • his blessing.
Photo by pasukaru76

Esau's rage!

  • Esau was furious so he planned to kill Jacob.
  • Again Rebekah overheard Esau talking about his plans.
  • Rebekah rushed to Jacob and told him what was about to happen.
  • After Rebekah had said this she told Jacob to go to Haran to stay with her 
  • bother Laban.
Photo by PDXdj

Jacob's hard RELATION ships

  • After Jacob had arrived in Haran he fell in love with Laban's daughter.
  • Jacob agreed to work for Laban for seven years in a row for Rachel.
  • After seven years had passed Jacob got married to "Rachel" or what he 
  • thought was her. The next day Jacob found out that accidentally got 
  • married to the wrong sister. Laban knew that Jacob married the wrong
Photo by garyfgarcia

Jacob's hard relation ships part 2

  • sister because he was the one that sent Leah (Rachel's older sister) into 
  • Jacob's room. Jacob was furious but agreed to work for Laban for another 7 
  • years.
Photo by dsevilla

moving, moving, moving

  • A little while after Jacob was married to Rachel Jacob decided to move
  • back home with his family. one night on the journey when Jacob was alone
  • he wrestled with a stranger. The stranger wrenched his hip socket but did
  • not over power him. it was almost dawn when the stranger asked to be let
  • go. Jacob wouldn't let go until he blessed him so the stranger asked what 

Moving, Moving, Moving PART 2

  • his name was and Jacob told him his name.
  • The Stranger's response was "Now your name will be Israel"
  • After he had said this Jacob released him.
  • The stranger was really  a messenger of God
  • Later he named that spot Peniel for that was where he met God face to face.