Since Jesus is our source for everything
the secret of life is staying connected
If this
was easy, everyone would do it
We have enemies working against us
The world, your flesh and the devil(s)...
try to pull the plug when stuff happens
Our "job" is to keep plugging back in...
because in the "sweet spot" we are powerful
Filled with joy
and peace
So how
do I get started?
The first step is to surrender all to Jesus
Once you're in the river of peace...
Stay alert for getting dis-connected!
With any loss of peace reach for the Big Five
The Bible
- Seek His wisdom
- Cling to His promises when stuff happens!
- Talk over everything
- Call and keep calling
- Remember to listen
- Thank and praise Him
- This restores our focus and purifies our heart
- Friends strengthen us
- Walk with those who walk with the Lord
- Learn to do what you do for Jesus, with Jesus, to Jesus and through Jesus
did the
Big Five
to stay connected to God
He gives
us joy
in doing them with Him
They also act as safety nets & lifelines
Keep them in good working condition
and they will keep you well connected!
Get free eBook:
"Salvation Basics"
at forerunners4him
Get free eBook:
"Salvation Basics"
at forerunners4him
Here's to staying powered up!
"I am the Vine... Apart from Me you can do nothing."
John 15:5 ESV