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The Birthday of Work

Published on Dec 01, 2016

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The Birthday of Work

Session 1
Photo by Aih.

Are Work and Ministry Exclusive?

Photo by Aih.

Webster’s definition of ministry - religious leaders as a group ; the office, duties, or work of a religious minister

Webster’s definition of work - a job or activity that you do regularly especially in order to earn money; the place where you do your job; the things that you do especially as part of your job

The general connotation of ministry is that it is the work of those who serve as religious leaders.

The Genesis of Work

Photo by Aih.

The first person to work is God.

Genesis 2:2 “And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.”

Then man is introduced to the concept.
Genesis 1:26-28 ESV

We see the call in verse 28 to be:
fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion
Genesis 2:15 - The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

Then when sin entered the world there became negative ramifications and punishment which impacted work.

Work was created by God for man but due to the sin of man it has become distorted and painful.

Work Redeemed

Photo by Aih.

Although work became cursed by sin, there is still redemption in our work.

Romans 8:20-21

Although there is inherit brokenness, God sent Jesus as the ultimate source of redemption, yet, still calls man to be actively pursuing to bring forth good works to glorify His name.

• God is glorified when we refuse to make work and money our idols (Matt. 6:24; Ecc. 5:10-12).
• God is glorified when we approach our work prayerfully (1 Thess. 5:17).
• God is glorified when we rest from work (Deut. 5:13-15).
• God is glorified when we trust him to provide today what we need for today (Matt. 6:11).