the blobfish

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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this is a psychrolutes marcidus (blobfish)
by: Sophie Acuna

Photo by garglebutt

blobfish are grey but occasionally pink.

They have boogers/saliva hanging out of their mouth

the blobfish is a benthos which means it crawls.

blobfish are very slow.
blob fish are slow and gross
Photo by garglebutt

physical adaptaions

  • gelatinous flesh
  • no bones
  • barely any density
  • float in the middle of the water.
Photo by garglebutt

behavioral adaptations

  • stuck to the ground
  • sometimes crawls
  • waits for food to float down to the blobfish
  • sometimes if their not on the ground they stay floating in one place
Photo by garglebutt

blobfish live in the twilight zone because the darkness helps them from drying out from the sun

Photo by -Reji

The blobfish is a omivor because the blobfish waits for something edible to float down and it eats it.


  • the blobfish is a predator because...
  • the blobfish waits for something to float down and then it eats it.
  • nothing eats it.


  • the blobfish is not prey because...
  • the blobfish has acid-like skin
  • if something eats the blobfish the animal dies.

abiotic factors

  • Volcanos
  • rocks
  • water

biotic factors

  • krill
  • plants
  • a comb jelly

Joey Hachtel

Haiku Deck Pro User