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The Book Of Negros

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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A lot of African Americans are humiliated about the use of the "N" word. I chose this because I have never heard of the Book of Negros and I wanted to learn more. This is important to me because I have been called the "N" word. When they said it I felt like they didn't even know what the word meant, but they were using it because they heard other people use it.

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My Topic
My topic is about the book, THE BOOK OF NEGROS

What Is The Book?
The book is a historical document that records 3,000 African-American slaves that escaped to the British battle lines during the American Revolutionary War. It records that 3,000 blacks who served The King in the War and was escaping Manhattan for Canada in 1783

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Who Started the "N" word.

John Rolfe husband of Pocahontas first started the word in 1619. He was recording in his journal the first shipment of Africans to Virginia and referred to them as "Negars".

How did the "N" word become such a scathing insult

We know, at least in the history I’ve looked at, that the word started off as just a descriptor, “negro,” with no value attached to it. … We know that as early as the 17th century, “negro” evolved to the "N" word and it has never been able to shed that baggage. The poison is still there.

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Why is the "N" word popular with many African American kids today?
If you could keep the word within the context of the intimate environment [among friends], then I can see that you could potentially own the word and control it, but you can’t because the word takes on a life of its own if it’s not in that environment. People like to talk about it in terms of public and private uses.

Kennedy,Randall. "The "N" word: The Strange Career Troublesome word The Washington Post. The Washington post, 11 jan 2011. web. 30 apr . 2015

Photo by Justin in SD