The Book Thief is about a nine year old girl named Liesel Meminger who is living in Nazi, Germany during World War Two. Liesel is on the way to her new foster home after her father leaves her mother and her mother can't support her and her brother, but, her brother passes away on the way to her new foster home. During her time there she learns her love of reading as she steals books from the library that the Nazi's plan on destroying.
The setting of the novel is in Nazi, Germany during World War Two which was 1936-1945. Liesel's new foster home is in a tiny neighbourhood with rows of connected concrete houses.
- Liesel Meminger
- Hans Hubermann (Papa)
- Rosa Hubermann (Mama)
- Rudy Steiner
- Max Vanderburg
The main conflict of the novel is when the British were bombing Nazi, Germany in Liesel's neighbourhood. This is an external conflict because it's a conflict between the residents and the British.
I would recommend this book to anyone age 12+ or to anyone who likes reading about conflict or likes being put on the edge of their seat with suspense.