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The Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, And The Intolerable Acts

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, and The intolerable acts.

Photo by DCSL

The colonists taunted the British soldiers because of their red coats. The colonists threw chunks of ice and rocks because of their red coats.

The British soldiers thought the leader said fire but he. Said "Hold your fire!"
So the red coats fired five shots in which killed five colonists.

Photo by Jon's pics

The Boston Tea Party

Photo by ginnerobot

Colonists were forced to throw out their tea. Also They were forced to buy tea from the British East India Company and were taxed with the purchase.

Photo by ginnerobot

The colonists used Indian uniforms in disguise and snuck on a boat and emptied the tea into the Boston Harbor.

Intolerable acts

Photo by Werner Kunz

The lost tea had to be paid for which led to many lost Jobs. In September 1774, leaders from 12 colonies gathered in Philadelphia to discuss thee problems with Britain.

Photo by Teemu008

The Colonists tarred a British tax collector and stuck feathers to him. The Colonists also forced tea down this British tax collector.

Photo by brentdanley


Photo by pixbytommy