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The Caddo Tribe

Published on Feb 20, 2018

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The Caddo Tribe

By Justin Wu and Helena sentell
Photo by blmiers2

The Caddo Tribe

  • Food
  • Region of Texas
  • Tools and Weapons
  • Interactions
  • Conflicts
  • Medicine and Health
  • Clothing
  • Religion
Photo by henry perks

The Caddo tribe

  • Housing
  • Government
  • Art
  • Economics
  • Communication
  • Traditions
Photo by Peter Hershey


  • We were farmers
  • We ate corn that was sometimes pounded, beans,berries, squash, pumpkin, and bear meat.
  • They also gathered nuts and fruit.
  • We were very argicultural
Photo by Phil Roeder

Region of Texas

  • We lived in East Texas
  • In east Texas it is usualy humid.
  • The Piney Woods region was in east Texas and was were most of us lived.

Tools and Weapons

  • We usually used axes, war clubs, maces, knives,pikes, and bow and arrows made out of bois darc wood.
Photo by Ben Gun


  • The first human expedition to find a Caddo village and Caddo humans was the Hernando de Soto Expidition.
  • The expedition had a violent clash with a band of Caddo.
Photo by Ian Sane


  • We were known to be friendly but, were enemies with Sioux and Osage tribes
Photo by Pilottage


  • We beileived that doing the ghost dance healed them.
  • We got sick from bad corn.


  • Our men wore breech cloths made of bark fabric or deer skin.
  • Our Women wore skirts made of bark fabric or deer skin.
  • all of our clothes were very colorfull
Photo by Ian Macharia


  • We were Christian and went to Caddo churches.
  • We do the Ghost dance.


  • We lived in dome shaped huts made of grass and branches.
  • In the middle of these huts there were usually fires.
Photo by Navaneeth K N


  • In east Texas there were two main groups of Caddo.
  • The two groups were the Kadohadacho and the Hasani Caddo.
Photo by Claudio.Ar


  • The Kadohadacho lived in large villages along the Red river
  • They had a main village for the paramount cheif
Photo by angela7dreams


  • The Hasani were made of several tribes that were organized into a Confederacy.
  • They called the confederacy Tejas
  • The word Tejas is Caddoan it means ones who are friends
  • They lived around present day Nacogdoches. Modern Nacogdoches was built on a large Hasani village.
Photo by Ian Sane


  • We made beautiful pottery that were very smooth.
  • We also weaved very beautiful baskets.
Photo by blundershot


  • The first french and Spanish explorers found our economy thriving.
  • We traded a lot of Bois dark wood and salt.
  • of Bois dark wood and salt.
  • We were farmers so they also traded fruits and vegetable.
Photo by njj4


  • We spoke several dialects of Caddo.
  • We had Different bands that had different dialects.But, every speaker in the Caddo could still understand each of them.
Photo by victor_nuno


  • We did the duck dance, the alligator dance, the bear dance, and the ghost dance.
Photo by VinothChandar


  • We were the Caddo tribe and had different traditions, Economies, and others from other tribes and that is the Caddo tribe.

thank you

we hope you learned a lot!
Photo by Brooke Lark