The Canterbury Tales

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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The Canterbury Tales

Historical Context, Language & Geoffrey Chaucer
Photo by kevinq2000

Geoffrey Chaucer Video

  • Watch the video provided.
  • Write three facts about Chaucer and his work.

History of Language Video

  • Watch from 0:00 to 2:17
  • Write two things you learned about the history of the English language as it relates to FRANCE.

Medieval Period Video

  • Watch the video
  • Write down the #1 reason you are happy you don't live in the Medieval period that they mention.
Photo by TevesCosta

Chaucer Background

  • Born 1340?- Died 1400
  • Survived Black Plague/Death
  • Merchant father sent him to be Page
  • Member of Parliament became knight of the shire, soldier, diplomat
  • Older-out of favor-closer to poverty
  • Buried in Westminster Abbey
  • *Wrote in English-made respectable*

Middle English

  • Chaucer wrote in Middle English, the language of the commoners in the 1300s.
  • Most authors wrote in French-the language of the monarchy
  • Middle English evolved from Old English
  • French influence caused shorter vowel sounds and new vocabulary

Historical Context

  • Social hierarchy- nobility, peasants
  • Language associated with class- French (nobility), Middle English (peasants)
  • Black Death- contagious disease that killed 1/3 of Europe's population
  • Hundred Year's War- fight between English and France
  • Pilgrimage- religious voyage made to a holy place or shrine
Photo by jurvetson

Ambyr Rios

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