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"FedEx promotes its sustainability values directly, publicly, and frequently, mostly through the use of terminology including corporate social responsibility (CSR), and “Global Citizenship.”

It's time to now bring large concepts such as the Circular Economy to FedEx and see how we can mold such an ideology to blend with our daily operations.
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The Circular Economy at FedEx

Published on Oct 02, 2016

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The Circular Economy at FedEx

Redefining Waste and Energy Management

"FedEx promotes its sustainability values directly, publicly, and frequently, mostly through the use of terminology including corporate social responsibility (CSR), and “Global Citizenship.”

It's time to now bring large concepts such as the Circular Economy to FedEx and see how we can mold such an ideology to blend with our daily operations.

At a Glance

  • 3.5 million packages daily
  • Wide variety of different materials.
  • Facilities act as incubators.
  • Circular Economy Implemtation
FedEx process over 3.5 million packages daily, using different modes of transportation.

Throughout operations, there are many different types of materials used that directly impact operational means, methods, and results.

FedEx Ground has the unique opportunity to test new idea and concepts. Think of FedEx Ground facilities as incubators for unique ideas.

This is how we will test the Circular Economy ideology.
Photo by jcwpdx


  • Minimize Waste
  • Add Value
  • Educate Employees
The main goal here to is to drastically reduce waste in a variety of ways.

We want to add value to not only the way we use packaging material and handle resources, but to create a Quality Driven environment to show employees new and unique possibilities.

Educating employees will be a huge part of accomplishing such a project and must be handled proactively.

This will begin to lead to how we will bring the Circular Economy to FedEx.

Our Future

  • Long Term Goals
  • Sustainability
  • The Circular Economy
We must not only worry about our daily and weekly KPIs but plan for the longevity of our operations.

If sustainability does not play a part in our future, our future will be very limited and soon cease to exist.

This is where the circular economy comes into play. It will assist us with ensuring a bright and prosperous future.


  • The Circular Economy has tremendous opportunities for FedEx.
  • It will be a vast cultural change.
  • Challenges will be met and overcome.
Without a doubt, the circular economy has the potential to really redefine how FedEx approaches sustainability.

We have the opportunity to: Substitute old materials for new biodegradable material.
Harbor creative innovation in how we develop sustainable solutions.
Showcase how QDM interacts with sustainability.
Save on energy and waste costs.

Cultural change will be needed in order to be successful. This will begin with proper education and connectivity to a common language: profitable income.

Such challenges must be met and overcome. If we do not meet these challenges, we will begin to fall behind as an innovative company and become a port of the problem rather than the solution.

Photo by fOtOmoth

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The circular economy has many moving parts.

At first, old materials will need to be identified as those that need or can be replaced.

New vendors/contracts will then need to be established to test new materials in our facilities.

These materials will have a circular life cycle. In other words, they will not end up in a dump somewhere unknown, adding to the waste problem.

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This "plantable" coffee cup is 100%bio-degradable and can be planted anywhere climate allows.

We as a company should be partnering with vendors that make sure items to help them grow and be a part of solution that is bigger than just one corporation.

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Another example is purchasing eatery that is bio-degradable.

Compostable packaging will be key to begin implementing circular economy based solutions throughout a FedEx district or region.

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As a corporation, we measure a lot of different metrics.

New KPIs will need to be developed however in order to account for the feasibility of new materials to be used in operations.

Questions we will have to ask ourselves:
How do we measure the new material effectiveness?
How do we measure sustainability overall?
When can we add these metrics to be distributed on the same basis as our operational KPIs?

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One of the biggest challenges four a project of this size will be getting employees to truly get away from throwing away material.

Again, education is going to be crucial.

Weekly meetings will be provided to cover proper methods.
Photo by Kevin Krejci

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  • Putting Customers First
  • Global Sustainability
  • Connectivity
When we pursue sustainability, we are also putting customers first, which aligns with our core principals.

Global sustainability is something to be considered when beginning these facility-based project. We need to realize what we are working toward.

A facilities employees are connected and represent one operational aspect of FedEx. A district represents a conglomerate of facilities and a regions represents a number of districts. The company represents everything we are and everything we do. We are all connected in a sense, both operationally and with the customers we interact with on a daily basis. This view needs to be considered when taking on new possibilities that may harbor great change.
Photo by LordFerguson

We must build for the future.

The Circular Economy at FedEx will help us work toward the future we need. One that is prosperous and allows for continuous growth and development that IS sustainable.

Innovation will help get us there. Our culture, beliefs and ways will ultimately dictate how successful we are.

We must build for the future.

This is just the beginning.

This proposed project is just beginning of what we can begin to see at FedEx.

Imagine FedEx facilities all across the globe interacting and testing new means of building for the future.
Imagine harboring new methods and using Quality Driven Management to test new ideas and employ new means of creating a difference.

This is just beginning of what we should strive for. Let's aim for success. Let's aim for quality. Let's aim for the future.

Photo by Raiveribe


FedEx 2016 Global Citizenship Report “Deliver it Forward.” Retrieved from http://csr.fedex.com/pdfs/FedEx_2016_Global_Citizenship_Report_Single.pdf

FedEx and the Environment. Retrieved from http://www.fedex.com/bt/about/sustainability/environment.html

Hepler, L. (2015). Greenbiz 101: Defining the Circular Economy: https://www.greenbiz.com/article/defining-circular-economy-beyond-recycling...