state rights refers to political powers reserved for the U.S. state governments rather than the federal government according to the United States Constitution/ tariff, taxs. Federalism & nullification.
Southern states wanted to have slavery and north wanted to use federal laws to end slavery.
Was the major turning point of the war. Until the battle, the south was wining. north succeeded by cutting off the south's supply and was the start of the south's loss of the war.
It was issued by president Lincoln. It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in the 10 states till in rebellion. It applied to 3 million of the 4 million slaves in the U.S. At the time.
John Wilkes booth, a famous confederate sympathizer, shot the president at a play in Washington, D.C. The attack came 5 days after confederate general Robert E. Lee surrender at the Appomattox court house, ending the American civil war.
North- "I am angry and upset that a confederate killed my president."