The entrance is the way to get your bags checked, and buy your tickets. I think this goes in safety.
Phil's Burgers is if you want a good meal to relax with. I think this goes in basic needs and business.
The Shinx is a birthday room if you have a birthday you want to throw. I think this goes in entertainment and business.
Dinner with Tut is a restaurant to eat with some Egyptian characters including: Tut, Mummies, etc. I think this goes in basic needs and business.
The Camel Train Station is a safe way of getting to where you need to even if it's the bathrooms. I think this goes in transportation and safety.
The snack stands is if you want a small snack like chips and crackers. I think this goes in business and basic needs
The camera is so the people in the staff room can see if somebody is doing something wrong. I think the category is technology and security.
Lockers are if you have any thing you don't need in the park or lazy river. I think this goes in business and safety.
Our 911 office is if someone gets a bad injury they can can get escorted to the 911 office. I think this goes in safety and physical health.
The hieroglyphic wall is where you can right your name in hieroglyphics and glue it to the wall. I think this goes in business and entertainment.
The ride Up the Tombstone is a ride the goes up, down, and all around! I think this goes in entertainment.
Our gift shop is if you want a small souvenir to remember your trip to The Curse of the Pharaoh.
The bathroom is to take care of your business. I think this goes in basic needs.
The Nile River is a lazy river to float around in and be lazy. I think this goes in entertainment.
Our Egyptian History museum is if you want to look at the cool things Egyptians did over the years. I think this goes in business and entertainment.
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