THE HUNT FOR FOOD In Acton Township in August 17, 1862 a group of Natives were looking for food and found a farm that had eggs. They stole the eggs broke the treaty they signed with the US government. In the end, five people got wounded or killed.
BATTLE OF WOOD LAKE On the morning of September 23, 1862, the Dakota soldiers where waiting to ambush Henry Sibleys soldiers and once they attacked, 7 white settlers were killed and 30 where wounded. Fifth-teen Dakota men where killed including chiefs Makato and Mazamani were killed.
HOW THEY RELATE When the Native Americans stole the eggs, they had broke a treaty that said they would be peaceful. Breaking this treaty resulted in the first battle(Battle of Wood Lake) in the war.
CONCULSION We thought that the Native Americans were not the only ones that broke the treaty and should have been treated better, and had gotten the food and supplies the US promsied