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The Deciduous Forest

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Biome Project for Deciduous Forest😛





  • Canada
  • Europe
  • China
  • Japan
  • In some parts of the U.S.
  • Russia
Photo by lars hammar


  • Annual Temperature Range: around 50 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Annual Precipitation: 30-60 in.
  • Latitude Range: Anywhere from 23 degrees north to 38 degrees south
  • Seasonal Changes: leaves on trees change color and fall off in autumn and grow back in spring
  • Possible Extreme Weather Events: floods and acid rain
Photo by Urawa Zero


  • Eglantine: has thorns, so no animals can eat it without getting a mouthful of regret | smells sweet to attract pollinating insects
  • Maple tree:drops leaves in winter to conserve water | produces a helicopter-like fruit that flies far from the tree so it is not in the parent tree's shade
  • Red baneberry: poison in all parts of the plant, especially the berries and roots so nothing eats it|has many single flowers that smell like apples so that pollinating bugs spread pollen.


Maple Tree

Red Baneberry


And Their Adaptations
Photo by iaohj


  • A keen sense of smell to find food
  • Strong, curved claws for climbing trees and ripping apart logs
  • Strength for reaching foods that are underneath or behind heavy objects
  • A long, strong tongue to reach into any colonies
  • Omnivore, to eat many different types of food
  • Big, to scare off threats
  • Hibernates because in winter most of their food disappears

Black Bear


  • A thick tail to keep the fox's feet and nose warm when it curls up to sleep
  • They double back on their tracks to confuse predators
  • Can climb trees to escape predators, find food, and sleep
  • Strong claws a to climb trees
  • Has a grey, white, black, and copper colored coat that helps it blend in with it's surrounding
  • Both parents take care of the kits, so there is less stress on the mother
Photo by Alan Vernon.


  • Slightly omnivorous, so it can eat a wider range of food. This will help if there is a shortage of a type of food in the habitat
Photo by Miwok.

Grey Fox


  • 5 fingered hand structure (with thumb) that allows them to grip, hold, and open things easily
  • Strong bone structure and solid body that lets them survive high falls
  • Sleeps a lot in winter (NOT hibernation) to conserve energy
  • Can live almost anywhere, from a tree stump to a big city
  • Omnivore, can eat basically everything
  • Nocturnal, can avoid predators


BONUS! The endangered species of the week is....

The Red Wolf!
The red wolf is a smaller, reddish version of the grey wolf. It is a predator and eats mostly small rodents. They also eat bugs, berries, and sometimes deer. They are mostly nocturnal and communicate by smell. They hunt by themselves or in packs. They tend to mate for life. They have complicated structure with an alpha on top and less important wolves on the bottom.


  • People build homes and towns too near future the forest
  • Acid rain caused by factories and car exhaust. Damages leaves and poisons soil
  • Trees are cut down for timber & to clear the land for farming. Leaves tons of animal without homes each year
  • Alien plants and animals are introduced to the forest and compete with native organisms.
  • Air pollution from factories and cars kill wildlife and poison the soil
  • You know, you could have just skipped the list because this is the cause of all the other environmental threats: Humans.
Photo by H Dragon


  • Wolves and other predators have been chased out, so grazing animals eat way too many plants.
  • Mining strips off forests, and soil gets hurt so badly, the forest can't grow it back
  • Global warming decreases the amount of rain the forest gets, so the forest can't regrow.
  • People stop natural forest fires to protect homes. Some plants depend on fire to reproduce, and fires make space for new plants
  • Humans, basically.
Photo by Lon&Queta


  • The word deciduous means 'fall down', which is what most of the trees' leaves do
  • There are 5 layers of plant life in D. F. : the tree stratum-made up of the tallest trees in the forest, the sapling layer-the shorter, younger trees, the shrub layer-shrubs, bushes, and other tallish plants, the herb layer- short plants like herbs, and the ground layer- the ground. Has lichen and mosses
  • The sap in some trees keeps their roots from freezing in winter
  • Many animals are camouflaged
  • Trees provide water for some animals
Photo by peterned

You may be wondering why I chose to do the deciduous forest as my biome. The answer is...

Photo by David Reece

I have been in many deciduous forests in my life, and I find them beautiful. The plants and animals are not uncommon, but are still interesting and beautiful. I have always loved this biome, and that is why I chose it.

Photo by Peter Mooney

OMG, I can't like, believe that I am , like , done with this, like, project! It was totes hard, but, like, totes fun too. Have a, like, nice day!

Photo by Tama Leaver