When we think of technological progression, we imagine the whole of society moving together as one unit. Unfortunately In a state of progress there will always be those that are left behind. The challenge is ensuring the equitable distribution of technological access. As it has been noted, a significant proportion of seniors is using mobile devices and the internet. As with anything else however, a large proportion resist the flow of trends. For example, my family was the last to get a DVD player, a flat Screen TV, a computer, etc. There will always be those who will resist the technological wave of progress. Many will say "to each his own", as even now younger people are choosing to opt out of technology. However, resistance to technology when one is going back to school puts that student at academic risk. Colleges and universities want to be inclusive of all demographics. As we've seen, students over the age of 70 are becoming more commonplace. To perform at the highest levels particular technological skills are required. Certain resources like mobile devices and fast computers are tools that have almost become indispensable to the modern student. So to avoid any gaps between students due to a lack of technological access, educators and administrators have to find a way to make technological access equitable to all.
The AECT code was created to ensure and protect the fair and just administration of technology in schools. The code, however, does not address specific demographics, particular age. Older adult students cannot conduct the independent learning that the code ensures. It does not protect their access to materials because many older adult students do not have access. The code does not guarantee older adult students’ participation, nor does it guarantee the resources (computers, mobile devices, etc.) needed to participate. Moreover, lastly the code does not promote diversity because older adult students are being left behind. The ACET code needs to reflect the current issues that the digital divide brings.