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The Doll's House

Published on Nov 22, 2015

Brief analysis and reflection on "The Doll's House" by Mansfield.


The Doll's House

By: Mansfield
Photo by gailf548

Outline in order of events:
1. Burnell children receive a beautiful dollhouse
2. Burnell girls are instructed to stay away from the Kelvey girls
3. All girls were invited to see the doll house except for the Kelvey girls
4. Kezia Burnell invites the Kelvey girls over but they are shooed away
5. Kezia concludes that the Kelvey girls are not of lesser value than others

I made an outline because since I am not making a "summary" I wanted there to be an outline in case someone who looks at this presentation needs to understand what the story is really about. Even if someone already read this story I wanted to put an emphasis on Kezia's kindness and the fact that she invited the "outcasts" to see her beautiful new doll house. Just a side note, I did not
Photo by mikecogh

The most important aspect to note while reading "The Doll's House" is that children's innocence is very much evident and adult's judgmental nature in regards to social class tries to extinguish this innocence.

I used this white flower as the background to symbolize innocence or purity because of the pure whiteness. There is not a spot or a blemish.
Photo by bill barber

The Kelvey girls are disregarded and treated as unimportant simply because they are not wealthy. Kezia is still young and innocent and she does not understand why she cannot befriend these two seemingly nice girls. She invites them to see her doll house despite what her mother says and she does not see them as "unworthy."

This background seemed to perfectly tie in with the story because it shows three little girls playing with a doll house.

The adults who told their children to stay away from the Kelvey girls because of their social status, should be ashamed of themselves because what kind of example are they setting for their children?

I immediately thought about kindness after reading this story. I had my fair share of being judged by people who think I am "beneath" them. But the reality is that no matter how much money or power somebody has, what better are they in actuality? A lot of wealthy people (not all but many) have an attitude that they are truly better than everyone and everyone owes them something. Kezia was able to look past the money factor and show kindness to these unfortunate girls when adults who should know better refused. I really appreciated this story and found it quite profound.

In the last slide I specifically chose the water with ripples because it reminded me of kindness. All it takes is one drop for there to be a ripple effect in water. The same goes for kindness, all it takes is one person to display an act of kindness. Even if that kind individual is surrounded by cruel-hearted people, sooner or later someone will follow his/her example and be inspired to show some sort of kindness.
Photo by Ben124.