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The Dramatic Tail of Wolves

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Dramatic Tail of 

Forest fires are a major natural disaster in Europe. On average, 65,000 fires occur in Europe every year.

They limit wolves' prey and burn down their habitats.

Photo by alexindigo

Wolves compete for food, water, and living space.

They deal with competition by fighting for whatever they're having competition over.

Immigration is one of the main reasons for competition in the wolves' ecosystem.

Animals migrate as a result of their own ecosystem being harmed or destroyed.

Wolves compete with coyotes, bears, and other wolves.

An example of a mutualistic relationship is between wolves and ravens.

The ravens get left over food from wolves and the wolves watch for circling ravens as a sign that there is food below.

Ravens came in contact with wolves because a part of the raven population got infected with the West Nile Virus and moved to places populated by wolves.

An example of a commensalistic relationship is between wolves and coyotes.

The coyotes will come after the wolf is finished with its prey and eat what is leftover.

An example of a parasitic relationship is between wolves and tapeworms.

Tapeworms get inside their intestines and eat the food that goes through them.

One adaptation of wolves are their strong jaws and sharp teeth.

This could have occurred when the first wolves' habitat was wiped out by a forest fire and new animals populate to the habitat.

Then the wolves didn't have enough strength to kill the new prey so they had to adapt to be able to eat and wolves that didn't adapt wouldn't survive.

One natural disaster for deciduous forests is a volcanic eruptions.

The succession is that after the lava cools and turns into rock, it adds new fertile soil to the soil that was already there. Then the pioneer species such as lichens and moss come in and break up the rock exposing soil.

Now that you've seen some of the naturally caused changes to a wolves ecosystem, let me show you some of the changes humans make.

Humans come to the wolves ecosystem to get resources such as wood from trees.

It affects the ecosystem because it takes away shelter for wolves and for certain animals in the ecosystem that are prey for wolves.

But there are ways we can prevent the destruction of habitats in ecosystems.

The animals need your help. The way to come back from deforestation is to put a plan of reforestation into play.

Reforestation is when everybody in a certain age group has to plant and take care of a specific amount of trees.

This will rebuild forest habitats and get people involved in their environment. It will also save the animals living there such as the wolves.