The website article "Is The Drinking Age Doing More Harm Than Good" discuses how most alcohol consumers are under the age of 21 by binge drinking. "Rather than not drink at all, students drank behind closed doors and pre-gamed before heading out to parties or concerts where they knew they couldn't consume alcohol publicly. This makes them much more likely to overdose, and much less likely to get proper medical attention if they do." the article states. This article defends my position by bringing to thought that young adults have the ability to make a lot of adult decisions at the age of 18. They are allowed to get married, enlist in the military, and gamble, but can not consume alcohol.
The article from TIME Magazine, " Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered? " defends my position by stating that at 18, in most cultures you are an adult, and by treating alcohol consumption anything other than a right that adults have makes it more appealing to young adults. "forced alcohol consumption behind the closed doors of [dorms] and fraternity basements. Always unsupervised, done in secret and too often excessive, this style of drinking has no doubt been responsible for the alarming rise in rates of so-called 'binge' drinking seen at colleges."
The website article " Teenage Drinking Cultures " states key points on how teenagers develop self-control against alcohol abuse. " Most teenagers appear to develop a degree of self-control over their alcohol consumption through trial and error, with mistakes occurring along the way. Teenage drinkers are particularly vulnerable when they change the social context in which they drink alcohol." This article also provides information on what responsibilities and precautions to take when drinking or around others who are drinking or intoxicated.
The website " 15 Reasons Why Drinking Age Should Be 18 " defends the legal drinking age being 18 by saying "Anyone under 21 sees alcohol as a “forbidden fruit.” The curiosity leads to more people under the age of 21 drinking anyway. If drinking is made legal for the 18 and older, it will serve much better as the curiosity isn’t as high and the fruit isn’t forbidden anymore. The article defends my position by saying " The article People under the age of 21 tend to drink more when they get hold of alcohol because of the uncertainty as to when they might be able to drink again.says "
The article " Lowering the Drinking Age " discusses how a higher drinking age can lead to teenagers putting themselves in unsafe positions. This article defends my position by stating "The current minimum drinking age forces young people to experiment with alcohol in unsafe environments and leads to a higher level of binge drinking among youth. "
The website article " 3 Reasons Why The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered To 18 " states that "According to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, alcohol is associated with an increased risk of hazardous sexual behavior, academic failure, drug abuse, and alterations to the structure and function of the brain." This article fails to show that many teens have adult privileges.