Durocs are some of the sweetest pigs in the world. They are just happy pigs! They are always sniffing the air and rooting in the dirt! They tend to sleep a lot. They never have any thing to worry about.
The duroc breed of hogs had its origin in the eastern United States and in the corn belt.
A duroc pig is a variation in color. They can be brownish red or golden brown. Most of them are born with there ears up then they fall. But some of them don't fall, because the ligaments are too tight! They grow very fast out of all the other!
The first problem with the duroc would be they are usually born with there ears up and then they fall over as they get bigger. Although sometimes they do not fall, because the ligaments are too tight and hold up the ears.
Since some of the Durocs are born with there ears up then they fall.What if they don't fall. What would you do?
If they don't fall it's because the ligaments are to tight and they do not have bones in there ears. You have to take them to a veterinarian to get the ligaments cut out so they will fall over.
The second problem would be! They are very sensitive to heat in the summer time.
How would you fix the second problem? They like to dig in the dirt a lot to keep cool. Sometimes the owners will spray the pigs down to make them cool.
Duroc pigs are very happy happy kind of pigs! They are usually brown in color. With there ears down. The duroc likes to dig in the mud to keep cool from the hot summers.