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The Effects Of Apathy

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By: Sylvia Chavez

What is apathy?
Apathy is a lack of interest or, not caring.
How does apathy effect out society?
By creating laziness in our education system.

Like the great Albert Einstein said, 'the world is not dangerous because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything.'

Photo by danisabella

Although people may argue that apathy may be good for society, I completely disagree because of the fact that in order to be successful in whatever you want to do, you have to care

If you do a little research like I have you will read a lot of different articles even some that teachers themselves have talked about how students just don't care anymore. Whether if it's their home life that effects them or not, students still need this education to become somebody.

Photo by Klaus M

In order for this Apathetic embarrassment on the US to end, we, as students, should come together, and help others out, try our best to show that generation Z, can be better than what we have already portrayed. Care about your future, and what you know you can offer to the world.

You are not alone. Generation Z can go from being 'a bunch of lazy people' to creating a more technological advancement of society.

Photo by indigotimbre