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The Effects Of Earthquakes

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1.One effect of earthquakes are that most earthquake related deaths are from collapsing buildings.

Photo by Herkie

2.Bridges collapse from earthquakes.

3.Landslides are caused by earthquakes.

Photo by garynature

4.The ground shakes when there is an earthquake.

5.Major earthquakes shatter glass which can sometimes cause lives.

Photo by P!XELTREE

6.Earthquake after shocks are another effect of earthquakes.

7.Flammable objects are dangerous after an earthquake.

Photo by wheany

8.Floods are caused after or during an earthquake because the falling of dams or floods can stop up water.

Photo by me'nthedogs

9.A tsunami is an effect of an earthquake.

10.Earthquakes can cause falling electricity lines to fall and cause fires.

Photo by Just Us 3