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The Far West

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Far West

By; Julia, Paige, Carson, Emi, and Emmanuel
Photo by -Reji

Mono Indians

By Julia


  • They live north of the San Joaquin River
  • In the San Joaquin Valley
  • By the town North Folk in California
  • This is how they became known as the
  • North Folk Band or North Folk Mono
Photo by mark 75


  • The men would hunt and Women and children would gather
  • gooseberries, seeds, mushrooms, beetles, acorns,
  • and pine nuts. Which were all vital to the Mono's diet
  • Men would hunt Deer, fish, and small game
  • Each family had it's own gathering place 


  • Some shelters were thatch covered and oval shape
  • Others were bark house
  • Each village had a sweat house which was like a sauna 
  • To create steam rocks were heated until white hot
  • water was poured on top of them

Social Organization

  • Children inherit their fathers totem
  • Animals represent each family linage, whom all have a job
  • Those of eagle linage are chief, there is no hierarchy
  • Chief acts as a adviser & sees that every has food and shelter
Photo by mariskar

Shared Beliefs

  • Mono believe that totemic spirits harness supernatural powers
  • Shaman were believed to act as priest and had dream helper
  • Mono's celebrated 3 ceremonies, Rattlesnake Ritual, Bear Dance,
  • and the annual Morning Ceremony. 
  • These were held in the Spring for Rattlesnake, and Fall


by Paige


  • Their lifestyles revolved around land and water
  • Their northern border was the Strait of Juan de Fuca
  • Their western border was the Pacific Ocean
  • They were located in present-day Neah Bay, Washington
Photo by Mateo Hos


  • Because they were surrounded water they mainly ate fish and marine animals
  • There was a variety of fish caught year round, but halibut was a regular
  • They'd dry or smoke it to save for winter
  • They'd also take seal blubber and render it to oil to eat with meals


  • They had five permanent villages: Waatch, Sooes, Deah,
  • Ozette, and Bahaada
  • Each village would have many longhouses made of cedar wood

Social Organization

  • By the early 1800s they hadtwo to four thousand Makah

Shared Beliefs

  • They preformed whaling
  • Where they prepared to hunt whales physically
  • and spiritually and then give them up as offerings

Spokane Indians

by Carson>,

Spokane Indians

by Carson>,

Spokane Indians

by Carson>,

Where and When

  • Northeastern part of Washington
  • No specific dates of origin
  • But non existent when there land
  • was turned into a campground/reserve
  • in 1890


  • they lived in a flat plain
  • that was surounded by lush forest
  • and rivers for hunting
  • and gathering
Photo by donkeycart


By Emmanuel


  • The Bannock Indians occupied territory that is now western Wyoming
  • and Southeast Idaho
  • There land was cold and snowy
  • The traditional lands pf the Shoshone and Bannock people were vast and 
  • encompassed areas  that extended into what is now Canada, and Mexico 
Photo by Roby Ferrari

Social Organization

  • There chief's name was Buffalo Horn
  • Buffalo Horn and a war party of 60 warriors were attacked by American  
  • volunteer troops. 
  • The war was in 1878
  • After his death the war party went to Oregon

Subsistence & Shelter

  • During late Spring and Summer they would travel to fisheries for salmon
  • During midsummer and fall they would hunt for buffalo
  • and other game animals
  • They lived in Teepees 
Photo by Katie@!

Nez Perce

by Emi

Food resources

  • They were fishing and hunting people
  • The mostly gather fish
  • Sometimes caught Deer and Elk
Photo by MegMoggington

Nez Perce Geography

  • Current Day 
  • Washington
  • Idaho 
  • Oregon 
Photo by gharness


  • They lived in "Earth houses"
  • Later on used Tipis
  • They dug undergrounds


  • They live on a resorvation
  • It means that they control there own group 
  • They still have to obey american law
  • They are ruled by a council


  • It doesn't say much about there religion
  • But i found they had ceromonies
  • Idols and myths

The End