Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is used when behavior interferes significantly with the student’s learning or that of his/her peers.
FBA is a process for gathering information to understand the function (purpose) of behavior in order to write an effective Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP).
Looks at what happens Before, During and After a Behavior has occurred
Components of ABC Analysis
A= Antecedent - what is happening before the behavior occurs? 3 elements - setting, event and interaction
B= Behavior - describes current behavior in terms of facts NOT opinions. 3 elements - specific, detailed and objective
C- Consequence - Happens after the behavior occurs. The response to the behavior. 3 Responders - Teacher/adult, other child, environment
What is the Role of the ABC Analysis when writing an FBA?
The identification of the function or purpose of a behavior of concern, can guide a team through the development of function-based strategies.
Function-based behavior plans are an effective method of eliminating target behaviors, developing positive proactive behaviors and increasing academic achievement.
When is An FBA appropriate? For what Population?
Regardless of the level of the FBA, an FBA is generally understood to be an individualized evaluation of a child in accordance with 34 CFR §300.301 through §300.311 to assist in determining whether the child is, or continues to be a child with a disability.
When to Conduct an FBA?
Whenever the IEP team (1) determines that a student’s behavior is interfering with his/her learning or the learning of others, and (2) requires additional information to provide appropriate educational programming.
• When a behavior violates a “code of student conduct” and is determined by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to be a manifestation of the student’s disability.
• When the school refers the student to law enforcement.
When (cont'd)
• When a student is removed from his/her current placement as a result of weapon possession, and/or illegal drug possession/use, and/or serious bodily injury.
• When the student is removed from his/her placement for more than 10 consecutive or
15 cumulative school days and the behavior is determined not to be related to his/her
An Informal FBA is conducted in school by staff who regularly interact with the student. It is conducted as part of school team problem-solving activities. An Indirect/Simple FBA is conducted by a school specialist such as a school psychologist or guidance counselor in collaboration with the student team. This level of FBA typically involves interviews, checklists, and brief observations
The most intense level of FBA, known as a Complex FBA, is conducted by a behaviorally trained member of the school, district, or intermediate unit with the school-based student team. This level is the most time intensive, and involves interviews and extensive direct observations.