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Hi I'm Matthew Duran, and I read the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom.

SUMMARY: The five people you meet in heaven is about a man named Eddie who in the beginning of the book is 83 years old. And works as a maintenance manager at ruby pier amusement park, the job his father once held. Most to all of the people he loved have passed away and his knee Injury still hurts him every day from world war 2. Though on that day a ride called "Freddy's free fall" was about to crash and fall off the tracks and when it did a young girl was under it, so Eddie leaped and pushed her out of the way and sacrificed his own life for hers. Eddie later on meets 5 different people who have made an impact on his life and they share how all the things that he saw as negative throughout his life have actually had hidden positive outcomes.
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The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Hi I'm Matthew Duran, and I read the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom.

SUMMARY: The five people you meet in heaven is about a man named Eddie who in the beginning of the book is 83 years old. And works as a maintenance manager at ruby pier amusement park, the job his father once held. Most to all of the people he loved have passed away and his knee Injury still hurts him every day from world war 2. Though on that day a ride called "Freddy's free fall" was about to crash and fall off the tracks and when it did a young girl was under it, so Eddie leaped and pushed her out of the way and sacrificed his own life for hers. Eddie later on meets 5 different people who have made an impact on his life and they share how all the things that he saw as negative throughout his life have actually had hidden positive outcomes.


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the lose of a love one positively effect your life?
Photo by Jim Surkamp


Thesis statement: The Five People you meet in heaven, written by Mitch Albom, shows how the lose of a love one can have hidden positive lessons through physical and mental changes.
Photo by Jim Surkamp

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Here in the center we have a broken heart which resembles the loss of a love one in our lives.

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The loss of a love one makes you realize what is important in life.

May times in life we focus on the things we can buy that can bring us happiness. Yet it is spending time with those that matter in your life that will get you to achieve those goals in life.

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The lose of a love can help you to cherish family more.

In losing someone who we are so close to such as a family member, and I know for me in 2007 when I lost my grandma it was one of the hardest things me and my family went through. Yet from that I learned that spending time with family and even those you are close to outside of family is vital. And that every moment spent with them is one I can never get back.

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The lose of a love one remind you that life is short and we must make every moment count.

Core moments in our life is what shapes us into who we are. So cherish those around you and take chances because you never know if the opportunity will happen again. Spend time with those you love because those moments are special in every single way.

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The lose of a love one helps you to become stronger in your faith.

Your faith will grow in the times of need and pain for many. Yet not all will turn to God many do. Trust in god always in painful moments.

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The lose of a love one helps you realize what you want to achieve in life.

Knowing that life is so short many times we realize that we must pursue our dreams because we only have one life so why waist it. (Life Goals, Bucket List)

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The lose of a love one reminds you to take care of yourself.

physical to stay in shape.

mental to be postiv