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The Formation of the Earth

Published on Jan 12, 2016

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The Formation

 Of the Earth
Photo by Kevin M. Gill

The Core
Continental crust, found under land masses, is made of less dense rocks such as granite. Its thickness varies between 10 and 75 kilometers (6 to 47 miles).

After the Core was formed, a mixture of dense elements came together and created the putty-like material that formed around the core and created the Mantle.

The last layer to form was the crust which while the dense elements sank to the middle the lighter elements floated above the Mantle and created the Crust

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How Long Ago Did the Earth  Begin to Form

  • Earth Began to form about 4.6 billon years ago
  • It was formed out of the same ball of gas as the sun
  • We can see how old the earth is by measuring the decay of icetopes
  • The earth is still cooling and forming from it's galactic emplosion
  • The process to form the Earth began when the Galaxy was created

How Earth Got Water