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The French Renaissance

Published on Feb 13, 2016

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The French Renaissance

from 1500-1600(?)

Francis I

Original renaissance monarch

King Francis I

  • was king of France until death
  • made huge cultural changes
  • called France's original Renaissance monarch

Renaissance began in Italy

"Flowering of learning and literature"
Inspired by ancient Greek and Latin models

Photo by DarrelBirkett

Invasion of italy

Photo by moutal5

Invasion of italy

  • 1494-1547
  • lead to increased contact with Italian art
  • lead to increased contact with Italian literature
  • lead to increased contact with humanists
  • humanists were writers and scholars

Architecture was a HUGE thing in the Renaissance!

Photo by Matthew Black


3 kings had the greatest influences on the French Renaissance art and architecture.

#1: Francois I

Photo by yad.craby

what francois did:

  • Encouraged humanist learning
  • Gothic Architecture was used
  • Known for fancy and intricate furniture
  • Doors and windows were a big part in architecture

what henry II did:

  • Architecture showed Italian influence
  • Details borrowed from classic architecture
  • Fully developed in French Renaissance
  • Lasting Henry II styles were architectural

#3: Louis XIII

Photo by waitscm

What Louis XIII did:

  • Lots of art and architectural stuff
  • Rectilinear and simple/basic forms
  • Influence by Italian styles

Styles used

Roman style

Photo by SBA73

Romanesque style

Photo by failing_angel

Beaux-arts stlye

Photo by Matthew Black

Rococo style

Photo by Wonderlane

Neoclassicism style

Photo by .:Adry:.

baroque style

Photo by hdes.copeland

renaissance style

Photo by byb64

gothic style

my favorite
Photo by Nickay3111

The (French) Renaissance was followed by the Middle Ages