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The Future of Solar Cells

Published on Feb 28, 2016

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The Future of Solar Cells

By Anish D

What is the potential of solar energy?
A recent study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that photo voltaic cells and CSP (concentrated solar power) can generate 200,000 gigawatts every year!

Plan and Imagine Steps

I had to ask a lot of questions, and I changed many ideas!

A graph from Commdiginews

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Who did I send my survey to?

  • Richard Lunt (a proffesor at Michigan State University
  • Ralph Nader (environmentalist)
  • Andrew Watt (a researcher at Oxford University in the UK)
  • Harry Anderson (a professor at Oxford University in the UK)
  • Karl Brown (director of the solar program at the California Institute of the Energy and Environment)

A few of my Survey Questions

  • If you were to start a new company or create a new solar product, what age group would you target first?
  • If solar panels were more appealing, trendy, fashionable, or decorative, would more people would install them?

Survey Questions (continued)

  • Would people be willing to use solar energy if they were given the choice to have solar panels for free, but could only use electricity from their own solar panels?