The Future of work (Space)

Published on Apr 18, 2016

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The Future of work (SPace)

@DGMANDELl @Pivotdesk
Photo by celine nadeau

The Office is Dead!

  • Mobile Powered WorkForce
  • Coworking Unicorn
  • Telecommuting
  • On-Demand Economy
Photo by Neo_II

Long live the office!

  • WSJ: Office Rents Return to 2008 Rates
  • TRD: NYC and SF Vacancy Rates 6 Year Low
  • Architects Are Now 'Starchitects'
  • Apple / Google / JP Morgan - WTF?
example #1: Google’s proposed new office project
Proposal from 2015 – initial design is likely not to get built in entirety but still gives us insight into what the future of work/office looks like
Space designed to be “future-proof” – endlessly reconfigured to meet unforeseen demand
Google has the right idea – it is getting harder to predict the future, and real estate needs to adjust to accommodate for that unpredictability
Physically - parts of the plan include:
Artificial sky
 Modular meeting rooms
 Manicured parks, hiking trails, and bike baths

Supporting example #2: JP Morgan’s new office in Hudson Yards
Built specifically to compete for engineering talent (agst. Google, Facebook, tech)
Following the leads of the innovators – tech companies
Definitely no longer about the CSuite needs – even in Financial Services – about the entire talent pool
Physically - parts of the plan include:
Ideas can be written on any surface in the office (e.g., walls, chairs, etc)
 Game rooms, scooters
 The classic trappings of a “Google” like office
Photo by ricardodiaz11

So What's Going On?

Photo by caesararum

The ROle of the office has changed

  • Used to be about infrastructure
  • Used to be about External Brand
- “Support” use to mean Infrastructure
Typing pools
 Large machines
 Mailrooms
 Physical stuff
Physical space used to = perception and credibility
There are new ways to validate your brand other than your physical space
Photo by Carly & Art

the role of the office has changed

  • It's about culture!
  • It's about internal brand!
It's now more about the psychological and emotional support of the workforce.

How do we make them as comfortable and productive as possible? How do we help them innovate and move faster?

How do we make hiring easier by providing an environment that understands people's needs and frees them up to live and work better?

Naprooms / Petrooms / Nursing Stations
Evolving Team Support

Not about C-Suite anymore

the office comes alive

  • It now evolves on its own to support the employees and the business goals

the office comes alive

  • Digital Ocean
  • Managed by Q
  • KISI
  • PivotDesk
  • Drizly
  • Floored
Infrastructure is now managed by the employees on the fly!
Photo by perpetualplum

so what does that mean for us?

  • One size will never fit all!
  • Flexibility will dominate!
Office design will NEVER be one size fits all solution
Assuming the “Future of the Office” is only about dark wood, beer kegs, and open space is a DANGEROUS GAME
Businesses, workers, and cultures are different – so have different needs
Role of the office continues to depend on its occupants
[transition to panel] – That’s why this panel is important
Why LMHQ has thrived
 Why SHoP’s influence reigns
 Why Floored is vital to tenants and real estate companies alike
 And I assume we’ll hear about how important Digital Ocean’s new office is to them

David Mandell CEO, PivotDesk
@dgmandell @pivotdesk

Photo by TheRogue