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Slide Notes

The fuzzy Internet of Things

Mark Weiser presented 1988 with his article the idea of ubiquitous computing. Through the ubiquity of computers a new era of information technology will begin. Computer will be replaced with smart objects. These should assist the human on daily work.

Today many jobs will be done by machines and the internet of things and services. These has a enormous potential to make our live easier and today modern technology is usable without any entry barrier.

But the internet of things could be used from countries and enterprises as a global surveillance tool and silent the technologial dependence raises and in special cases the freedom of activities will undermined.

Heute werden viele Tätigkeiten d Weiters fördert es stillschweigend die technische Abhängigkeit und untergräbt unter Umständen die Freiheit von Entscheidungen und Handlungen.
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Industrie 4.0, M2M und IoT: Digitale Innovationen und ihre Nebenwirkungen

Published on Feb 14, 2016

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Industrie 4.0, IoT und M2M

Digitale Innovationen und mögliche Nebenwirkungen
The fuzzy Internet of Things

Mark Weiser presented 1988 with his article the idea of ubiquitous computing. Through the ubiquity of computers a new era of information technology will begin. Computer will be replaced with smart objects. These should assist the human on daily work.

Today many jobs will be done by machines and the internet of things and services. These has a enormous potential to make our live easier and today modern technology is usable without any entry barrier.

But the internet of things could be used from countries and enterprises as a global surveillance tool and silent the technologial dependence raises and in special cases the freedom of activities will undermined.

Heute werden viele Tätigkeiten d Weiters fördert es stillschweigend die technische Abhängigkeit und untergräbt unter Umständen die Freiheit von Entscheidungen und Handlungen.
Photo by phsymyst

Herbert Dirnberger

My name is Herbert Dirnberger and today i represent the nonprofit association Cyber Security Austria. Probably you know Cyber Security Austria from our Event Cyber Security Challenge Austria and Europe.

With this event we active promote young IT Security talents in Austria and Europe.

I'm also the head of the working group industrial control Security.

With my colleagues we especially instruct about awareness for Security and Safety in Industrial Control Systems.
Photo by r-hol


Who of you does know what the turkey illusion means.

Disruptive Innovation

Who of you does know what the turkey illusion means.

Digital cameras killed Kodak.

Can smartphones kill digital cameras?
Who of you does know what the turkey illusion means.
Photo by Khánh Hmoong

Digital Changes in Industry

  • Industrie 4.0
  • M2M
  • IoT
  • Big data and predictive analytics
The era of mainframe is over, the pc era will be history and now we are in the of the internet of things.

Whats has been changed. The devices are smaller, and one person own one or more devices. And one the device could be owned by one or more persons.

I have graduated in business informatics and mechatronics. So i know about the importance of information and operation technology in the industry and in production.

But the powerful combination of it with automation (ot) is the real begin of a new era.

Without OT and only with IT you could not reach a high performance level for IOT but also only with automation or OT without IT you can not empower real IOT operations.

The Internet of Things will follow the Internet of today.
- optimization of the value chain, new business will support us in all part of Life like health, energy distribution, mobility, urbanization.

We call it also Industrie 4.0, smart energy, aso.
Photo by yaph

Digital Changes Benefit

  • improved value added chain
  • innovation for services and products
  • new busines models
The era of mainframe is over, the pc era will be history and now we are in the of the internet of things.

Whats has been changed. The devices are smaller, and one person own one or more devices. And one the device could be owned by one or more persons.

I have graduated in business informatics and mechatronics. So i know about the importance of information and operation technology in the industry and in production.

But the powerful combination of it with automation (ot) is the real begin of a new era.

Without OT and only with IT you could not reach a high performance level for IOT but also only with automation or OT without IT you can not empower real IOT operations.

The Internet of Things will follow the Internet of today.
- optimization of the value chain, new business will support us in all part of Life like health, energy distribution, mobility, urbanization.

We call it also Industrie 4.0, smart energy, aso.
Photo by reynermedia

Use Case: Industrial App Store

Where is the app store for Industry 4.0?
The era of mainframe is over, the pc era will be history and now we are in the of the internet of things.

Whats has been changed. The devices are smaller, and one person own one or more devices. And one the device could be owned by one or more persons.

I have graduated in business informatics and mechatronics. So i know about the importance of information and operation technology in the industry and in production.

But the powerful combination of it with automation (ot) is the real begin of a new era.

Without OT and only with IT you could not reach a high performance level for IOT but also only with automation or OT without IT you can not empower real IOT operations.

The Internet of Things will follow the Internet of today.
- optimization of the value chain, new business will support us in all part of Life like health, energy distribution, mobility, urbanization.

We call it also Industrie 4.0, smart energy, aso.
Photo by Rogier Noort

Use Case: 3D Print Marketplace

Design everywhere, produce near customer, ASAP
The era of mainframe is over, the pc era will be history and now we are in the of the internet of things.

Whats has been changed. The devices are smaller, and one person own one or more devices. And one the device could be owned by one or more persons.

I have graduated in business informatics and mechatronics. So i know about the importance of information and operation technology in the industry and in production.

But the powerful combination of it with automation (ot) is the real begin of a new era.

Without OT and only with IT you could not reach a high performance level for IOT but also only with automation or OT without IT you can not empower real IOT operations.

The Internet of Things will follow the Internet of today.
- optimization of the value chain, new business will support us in all part of Life like health, energy distribution, mobility, urbanization.

We call it also Industrie 4.0, smart energy, aso.
Photo by osde8info

Use Case: Industrial Big Data

predictive maintenance, manufacturing and services
The era of mainframe is over, the pc era will be history and now we are in the of the internet of things.

Whats has been changed. The devices are smaller, and one person own one or more devices. And one the device could be owned by one or more persons.

I have graduated in business informatics and mechatronics. So i know about the importance of information and operation technology in the industry and in production.

But the powerful combination of it with automation (ot) is the real begin of a new era.

Without OT and only with IT you could not reach a high performance level for IOT but also only with automation or OT without IT you can not empower real IOT operations.

The Internet of Things will follow the Internet of today.
- optimization of the value chain, new business will support us in all part of Life like health, energy distribution, mobility, urbanization.

We call it also Industrie 4.0, smart energy, aso.

Real Benefits

The era of mainframe is over, the pc era will be history and now we are in the of the internet of things.

Whats has been changed. The devices are smaller, and one person own one or more devices. And one the device could be owned by one or more persons.

I have graduated in business informatics and mechatronics. So i know about the importance of information and operation technology in the industry and in production.

But the powerful combination of it with automation (ot) is the real begin of a new era.

Without OT and only with IT you could not reach a high performance level for IOT but also only with automation or OT without IT you can not empower real IOT operations.

The Internet of Things will follow the Internet of today.
- optimization of the value chain, new business will support us in all part of Life like health, energy distribution, mobility, urbanization.

We call it also Industrie 4.0, smart energy, aso.
Photo by henscheck

(Anti) Fragility


Die Schwierigkeit der Technikfolgenabschätzung besteht darin, dass die Wirkung von Technik schwierig vorauszusagen ist, die technologische Prozesse oftmals nicht vollständig entwickelt und verstanden werden.

Das Problem: sobald die Technik einmal in integriert im Einsatz ist, sind im laufenden Prozess Änderungen nur noch schwer möglich.

Diese methodische Zwickmühle wird auch als "Collingridge-Dilemma" bezeichnet:

die Wirkung von Technologie kann ohne fundierten Praxisbezug nur schwer vorhergesagt werden. Sobald diese jedoch erst einmal verwurzelt ist, ist die Kontrolle und Gestaltung darüber umso schwieriger und teilweise gar nicht möglich.
Photo by heimibe


Technology assesment and the risk of uncertainties

Die Schwierigkeit der Technikfolgenabschätzung besteht darin, dass die Wirkung von Technik schwierig vorauszusagen ist, die technologische Prozesse oftmals nicht vollständig entwickelt und verstanden werden.

Das Problem: sobald die Technik einmal in integriert im Einsatz ist, sind im laufenden Prozess Änderungen nur noch schwer möglich.

Diese methodische Zwickmühle wird auch als "Collingridge-Dilemma" bezeichnet:

die Wirkung von Technologie kann ohne fundierten Praxisbezug nur schwer vorhergesagt werden. Sobald diese jedoch erst einmal verwurzelt ist, ist die Kontrolle und Gestaltung darüber umso schwieriger und teilweise gar nicht möglich.
Photo by 96dpi

#1 Planned Obsolescence

is a way to sell more hardware
The aging of devices is the next problem we have to solve. The consumer market need to sell new products every year.

Every Year - New Phone - New phone -

And the manufacturer do a lot to sell new phones... marketing. .. but sometimes some manufactures work with some small tricks ... probaly they put part on the devices which can not reach the life cycle..

For example 85 Degree Elkos on Pentium 3 - PCs

My Thing is ... Please makers, innovators make longtime devices... we dont need to change every year...

#2 Unlearned Resilience

und stetige Abnahme der REsilienzfähigkeit.

#3 Avoid Vendor Lock In

with Industrial Standards
The problem for example

You have developed a very cool iot plattform. but 5 years later you want to change from plattform A to plattform B. this could be a very hard job in the most cases mission impossible... The problem is not only the change... we have to think about what is my data, Do they delete my old data, do they sell it..
Photo by FrankWeber

#4 Uncontrolled Complexity

NEUE Formen der Komplexität

zu hohe Komplexität

zu hohe Komplexität
Photo by onnola

#5 Forgotten Security

Photo by cosmoflash

Open Doors

Unsecure Wireless

Photo by UWW ResNet

Patch Management

Photo by Matti Mattila

Patch Management

Physical Access

Photo by Embedded Area

Physical Access

Human Error


  • Industrie 4.0, M2M und IoT verändert
  • Vernetzung und Komplexität steigt
  • offene Systeme werden gefunden
  • Sicherheit ist ein Business Enabler
  • 100% Sicherheit gibt es nicht
  • IT*OT = IOT^2
  • nicht überall wo i4.0 drauf steht, ist i4.0 drinnen

Herbert Dirnberger

My name is Herbert Dirnberger and today i represent the nonprofit association Cyber Security Austria. Probably you know Cyber Security Austria from our Event Cyber Security Challenge Austria and Europe.

With this event we active promote young IT Security talents in Austria and Europe.

I'm also the head of the working group industrial control Security.

With my colleagues we especially instruct about awareness for Security and Safety in Industrial Control Systems.
Photo by r-hol