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The Ghettos

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The Ghettos

By: Ciara Arena

About the ghettos

  • Ghettos were neighborhoods made for Jews.
  • They were first established in 1939- 1942.
  • Ghettos were very unsanitary. 

Diseases and Starvation

  • A lot of the Jews died from typhus, and typhoid.
  • Typhus is a disease from fleas and lice they caught.
  • Typhoid is a type of salmonella a lot of them got from the food.
  • Most Jews died of starvation, rations were very small amounts.

food rations

  • They hardly had any food to eat.
  • They got 180 grams of bread per day.
  • 220 grams of sugar per month.
  • 1 kg of jam and 1/2 kg of honey per month.

killing centers

  • While living in the ghettos the jews would be sent to killing centers.
  • after the ghettos, if you survived you went to a concentration camp.
  • Either you were killed right then and there or were sent off to be killed.

children of jews

  • A lot of children got killed instead of adults.
  • They were the main smugglers for food or items they'd sneak in.
  • Children that were jews had to hide under another religion.

size of ghettos

  • The biggest one was 1.3 square miles.
  • But, it had 400,000 jews in it.
  • It was 0.3 miles for 63,00 jews.

How was daily life in 'The ghettos'?

  • Horrible, these neighborhoods were very small.
  • Lots of them were ill and these places were very unsanitary.
  • They were treated poorly and tortured.
  • They were miserable causing jews to die and become very ill.

thanks !

  • Thank you for watching/ listening to my presentation. (:
  • - Ciara Arena