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The gift of time

Published on Nov 30, 2015

Mother's Day iMoveU Launch


The gift of time


"Time is free, but it's priceless."

Harvey Mackay


What is it?
Photo by WarzauWynn

Are you an artist?

Photo by John-Morgan

1 minute

Draw a clock

5 minutes

  • Draw a clock that represents your family
  • Can use arts and crafts provided
  • Be creative and think OUTSIDE the box
  • You will receive a 1 minute warning

Show and tell

Share your clock and tell your story


The Gift of Time
Think about the components of creativity. First- you need to give yourself TIME to be creative. Second, when you lead with your heart, creativity will naturally flow because you LOVE what you are doing. Creativity = Time + Love

Share your love

Take time to be creative
Michael loves Mo Willem's Pigeon books- so he started making his own. The book "Steal Like an Artist" talks about learning from creative people and copying what they do. Michael began drawing his own pigeon books, including "Don't Let the Pigeon Go To Costco", "Don't Let the Pigeon Turn 85 (for his great grandma)", and "Don't Let the Pigeon Teach 3rd Grade (for his aunt amy).

Make your mark

The Dot, Peter Reynolds 
The Dot by Peter Reynolds is a great children's book that talks about making our mark on the world- Share the art that is inside of you and make your mark.

family time

Schedule, Protect and Savor

Arlington Heights

Scavenger Hunt!

The rules

  • Visit at least 2 places
  • Be active (run, walk or bike)
  • Entire family has a say in where you go
  • BUT- it is Mother's Day
  • Take family pictures to document each stop


Berry Yo @ 1:00
Photo by Au Kirk