The authors intent with these chapters was to introduce Jonas' strange eyes and ability to see thing differently. There intent was also to explain releasement further and the stirrings he experienced
" But suddenly Jonas had noticed, following the path of the apple through the air with his eyes, that the piece of fruit had-well, this was the part he couldn't adequately understand-the Apple had changed."
The authors intent in these chapters was to show how people climb the ladder of age, and as they get farther up they get more responsibility. The author also assigned Jonas the assignment of Receiver of Memories, which shows he is special compared to other characters
"Our community has only one receiver. It is he who trains his successor."
The authors intent I'm these chapters were to further explain Jonas' job as the Receiver of Memory and the powers he has. These chapters were also used to introduce The Giver and his job in training Jonas
"One part of his consciousness knew that he was still lying there, on the bed, in the Annex room. Yet another separate part of his being was upright now, in a sitting position, and beneath him he could feel that he was not on the soft decorated bed covering at all, but rather seated on a flat, hard surface."