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The Greek Gods

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • Roman name: Jupiter
  • Father: Cronus
  • Mother: Rhea
  • God of the sky, king of gods
  • Symbols: Eagle, thunderbolt,bull,oak
Photo by Dorron


  • Roman name: Juno
  • Father: Cronus
  • Mother: Rhea
  • Symbols: Pomegranate, Diadem,cuckoo, lotus-tipped staff
  • Goddess of marriage and childbirth
Photo by Prof. Mortel


  • Roman name: Neptune
  • Father: Cronus
  • Mother: Rhea
  • Symbols: trident, fish, dolphin, horse, bull
  • God of the sea
Photo by OnePinkHippo


  • Roman name: Orcus
  • Father: Cronus
  • Mother: Rhea
  • Symbols: Cerberus, cornucopia, sceptre, cypress, narcissus, key
  • Lord of underworld, ruling over the dead, god of wealth
Photo by jbhalper


  • Roman name: Apollo
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Leto
  • Symbols: Lyre laurel wreath, Python, raven bow and arrows
  • God of music
Photo by Alun Salt


  • Roman name: Diana
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Leto
  • Symbols: bow,arrows, stags, hunting dog and moon
  • Goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural enviroment.
Photo by liftarn


  • Roman name: Mras
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Hera
  • Symbols: spear,helmet, dog,chariot, vulture, flaming torch
  • God of war
Photo by mmarftrejo


  • Roman name: Venus
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Dione
  • Symbols:The dove, seashells, sea foam, mirrors, girdle, rose,lettuce,apple,goose,rabbit
  • Goddess of love, desire and beauty
Photo by stefanweihs


  • Roman name: Minerva
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Metis
  • Symbols: Owls, olive trees, snakes, aegis, armor, helmets, spear, gorgoneion
  • goddess of the city, handicraft,and agriculture.
  • Goddess of reason, intelligent activity,arts and literature
Photo by totoiitotti


  • Roman name: Vulcan
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Hera
  • Symbols: hammer, anvil, tongs, quail
  • God of fire and the forge


  • Roman name: Mercury
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Maia
  • Symbols: Talaria, caduceus, tortoise, lyre, rooster
  • God of thieves, god of commerce
Photo by garryknight


  • Roman name: Vesta
  • Father: Cronus
  • Mother: Rhea
  • Symbols: The hearth and its fire
  • Goddess of the hearth, home architecture, domesticity, family
Photo by euthman


  • Roman name: Ceres
  • Father: Cronos
  • Mother: Rhea
  • Symbols: Sheaf of grain, torch, snack, pig were sacred to her
  • Goddess of agriculture, grain, fertility, sacred low, harvest
Photo by mmarftrejo


  • Roman name: Bacchus
  • Father: Zeus
  • Mother: Semele
  • Symbols: ivy crown, wine barrels, grapes
  • God of grape harvest and wine ritual madness, religious ecstocy